
BRENDA GILL: Glycemic Index Eating- The Best Way to Reduce Excess Weight- Part 4

Dr. Brenda Gill
By Dr. Brenda Gill
April 14th, 2009

In the previous article, I talked about which foods and drinks caused fat to be stored in the body. This article will give you some specifics.
Fruit should always be included because of their vitamin and fibre content.

It is best to eat fruit separately, because the sugar content helps to deposit the fat from other foods into body cells. Moderate climate fruits are good because they have a low GI. Cherries, plums, prunes, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears etc are best. Try to limit tropical fruits due to their high GI.

Only basic bran cereals are recommended such as rice or oat bran, because these have low GI values and high fibre. Most other cereals should be avoided if you want to lose weight. They are usually highly processed and have added sugar. Most breads, even whole grain, are largely made of refined flour, so minimize bread as well. Look for bread with a high fibre content or low GI label. Rice and pasta also has a high GI and should be limited. I don’t need to talk about desserts- you get the idea.


Baked 43
Black 30
Brown 38
Chickpeas 30
Kidney 27
Lentils 30
Peas, dried 22
Peas, green 48
Red lentils 27
Soy 18


Bagel 72
Baguette 95
Croissant 67
Corn Thins___ 87
Hamburger Bun 61
Kaiser roll 73
Oat bran 31
Pancake Mix 102
Pita 57
Pumpernickel 41
Rye 64
Rye, whole 50
Taco Shells 68
Waffles 68
Wonderwhite 80


All Bran 30
Bran Chex 58
Choco Pops 77
Corn Bran 75
Corn Flakes 83
Crispix 87
Frosted Flakes 55
Nutri Grain 66
Oat Bran 55
Porridge, Inst 66
Puffed Rice 90
Puffed Wheat 74
Rice Bran 19
Rice Chex 89
Shred. Wheat 69
Special K 69
Swiss Muesli 60
Weetabix 70


Graham Cracker 74
Oatmeal 55
Shortbread 64
Vanilla Wafer 77


Kavli Norwegian 71
Rice cakes 82
Rye 63
Saltine 72
Water cracker 71


Apple 40
Beer 110
Fanta 68
Coca-cola 63
Cranberry 68
Grapefruit 48
Milo 55
Orange 52
Sports Plus 74
Tomato Juice 38
Water 0


Apple 38
Apricot, can 64
Apricot, dried 30
Banana 52
Cantaloupe 65
Cherries 22
Grapefruit 25
Grapes 46
Dates, dried 103
Kiwi Fruit 52
Mango 51
Orange 42
Papaya 59
Peach 42
Pear 38
Pineapple 59
Plum 24
Prunes 29
Raisins 64
Strawberries 39


Barley 22
Buckwheat 54
Chickpeas 36
Cornmeal 68
Couscous 65
Millet 75
Rye 34
Sweet corn 55
Wheat, whole 41


Low fat 43
Premium 38
Regular 61


Choc milk 34
Milk 40
Pudding 43
Soy milk 40
Yogurt, natl. 14
Yogurt 33


Banana Bread 47
Doughnut 76
Bran muffin 60
Danish 59
Fruit bread 47
Muffin 59
Pound cake 54
Sponge cake 46


Gnocchi 68
Fettuccine Egg 40
Linguine 50
Macaroni 46
Rice Noodles 40
Spaghetti 40
-protein enrich 28
-whole meal 37


Baked 85
Boiled 63
French Fries 75
Mashed, inst. 85
Sweet potato 53

Protein 0


Brown rice 59
Instant rice 91
Jasmine 109
Long grain 56
Parboiled 47
Sushi Roll 52
White Rice 64


Cashew Nuts 22
Jelly beans 80
Life Savers 70
Peanuts 14
Popcorn 72
Skittles 70
Snickers 41


Beetroot 64
Carrots 47
Pumpkin 75
Sweet Corn 54


Average 15

*”Killer Food” is underlined

Pure Glucose, reference
value 100.

Dr. Brenda Gill is a naturopath practicing in Rossland, BC.

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