Stand up Canada
“We become civilized only by knowing what to refrain from doing.” – Nassim Taleb We have been warned. The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline will change Canada as we know it; it is a path to a future Canada that will be an undemocratic petro state. That was the message delivered Wednesday (May 30) by award-winning author...
Selkirk College successfully opens the Aboriginal Gathering Place in Castlegar
In June of 2010 Selkirk College marked the beginning of construction on their Castlegar campus Aboriginal Gathering Place with a ceremonial blessing and ground breaking. On May 24, 2012 they celebrated the official opening of the facility with over 100 invited guests in attendance. “The Gathering Place project was initiated...
Injured but motivated Basso does marathon across the Boundary
After completing a four day cross constituency marathon New Democratic Party candidate Marji Basso stepped out at a fundraising reception in Grand Forks alongside party leader Adrian Dix. Plagued by a calf muscle injury, Basso completed the marathon-level tour in what Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor called “good old fashioned...
Date set for BC Family Day in February
Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the government of B.C. Premier Christy Clark, along with Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government were joined by local families at the Vancouver Aquarium today to announce that B.C.'s Family Day will take place on the second Monday in...
Prepare for consultation on Columbia River Treaty
Information Session in Castlegar on June 6 The Columbia River Treaty Local Governments’ Committee is hosting information sessions in seven communities-including Castlegar on Wednesday, June 6—to prepare Basin residents to take part in the provincial consultations on the Columbia River Treaty (CRT). The Province is beginning...
John Lent launches new novel in Nelson on June 15
Vernon author, educator and musician John Lent, an instructor at Nelson's former Notre Dame University, will launch his new novel, The Path to Ardroe, at Nelson's Oxygen Art Centre, 320 Vernon St. (alley entrance), on Friday, June 15 at 7:30 p.m. The launch, part of Oxygen Art Centre's Presentation Series, is free and open ...
OP/ED: MP slams Tory cuts to Community Access Program funding
Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko added his voice today to the growing calls from his constituents demanding that the Conservative government reverse the cuts to the Community Access Program (CAP) hidden in the federal omnibus Budget Bill C-38 that will affect rural and low-income Canadians. “CAP used to have more service...
Youth came, connected, and created
Youth from across the Basin met at CBT’s Youth Action Summit in Kimberley on May 3 to 6, 2012, to get inspired, educated and empowered to create action events in their own communities. The result is CONNECT: Youth Action Month, which will see 18 youth-inspired and -created Action Events happening right now across the Basin. […]
COMMENT: Teck's electronic recycling initiatives
I recently had a very interesting meeting with a representative of Teck Trail Operations and learned something that I am not sure many people are aware of. Teck has been at the forefront of metals recycling since they developed the first lead-acid battery recycling program in Canada over 20 years ago. Today, battery waste is...
New bracelets protect 'Life Lines' for dialysis patients
For a dialysis patient, healthy veins are a life line. But sometimes when Renal staff plan to create a permanent vascular access (called an AV fistula) to facilitate the necessary blood flow for hemodialysis, they find a patient’s veins have been damaged from previous IVs or lab work. Renal staff have been working with...