

Public viewing area open at Waneta Expansion Project

Partners in the Waneta Expansion Project - Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust – and the Community Impact Management Committee invite you to visit the project’s viewing area this summer. The viewing area and platform, constructed by the contractor, provide a place across Highway 22A to safely watch...

Unique international opportunity for Selkirk College

“Sino-Canadian Selkirk College of Taiyuan Normal University”: this sign rests on the side of a building at Taiyuan Normal University (TNU) in Taiyuan, China.  The three-year English diploma program housed in this building represents a unique collaboration between TNU and Selkirk College in British Columbia.   TNU develops and...

Weekend storms leave Christina Lake and Grand Forks residents without power

Gusting winds and driving rains knocked down trees, branches and electricity to homes all over the east Boundary region over the weekend. The storm hit suddenly and violently on the evening of Friday, June 22 leaving more than 600 Fortis BC customers without power for between four and 24 hours, depending on the severity of ...

OPINION: Time to move on in the marijuana conversation

In early April of this year one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns ever designed was launched. With a splash of media exposure, a small group of eight people started a conversation that has not stopped nearly three months later. As the chatter moves contagiously through more and more people, the volume has been amplified...

My Brothers?

My brother Kenneth--aged 22--drowned in the Thompson River in 1988. I cannot begin to tell you how that changed me. Nothing like it did my parents, or my sister, or our youngest brother, 21 years old at the time. They were close. Kenneth and I were just beginning to know each other as adults. As the oldest by 8 years, I had...

Five $10K prizes available for community innovation ideas

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is partnering with BC Ideas to provide five $10,000 cash awards to reward innovative solutions addressing issues which will improve the lives of residents in the Columbia Basin region. BC Ideas: Solutions for Stronger Communities is an online competition seeking to identify solutions to deal with challenges facing BC communities now […]

IHA offers health tips vis-a-vis wide-spread flooding throughout region

  Food and Water Safety after Flooding Heavy rainfall and increased snowmelt have created widespread flooding across the Kootenay Boundary region. Interior Health is advising residents impacted by flooding and power outages to take steps to ensure their food and water are safe, particularly when returning to an area evacuated due to flooding. Floodwaters are […]

Marshall Lake dam faces 11th hour decisions

Local governments and the public have until the end of this month to come up with a plan to preserve Marshall Lake. That’s all the time the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) will allow for a decision to be made on whether or not the city, regional district or the public are willing and able...

POLICE: Grand Forks woman identified as drowning victim

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a woman whose body was found floating in Okanagan Lake near Kelowna on June 19. She is Melissa Joy Van Diemen, aged 34, originally from Grand Forks, but most recently living in Kelowna. Ms. Van Diemen was last seen swimming in Okanagan Lake behind City Park on June 13. The...

COURT BRIEFS: UPDATED - Grand Forks man charged in Midway bombing

Ian Jason Peregoodoff, 43 of Grand Forks, has been charged with two counts of arson and damage to private property and two counts of mischief after allegedly bottle bombing the Midway RCMP Detachment and police vehicle on Monday, June 18. Peregoodoff remains in police custody appeared in the Nelson provincial court on Wednesday,...

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