

Listen up, Horatio*

  “Sometimes the light’s just shinin’ on me, Other times I can barely see.”                  -- Grateful Dead, Truckin’    The Greatness of Historical Leaders: Men and their Moments.   Have you ever wondered at the sheer good luck some of the so-called “Great Men of History” have enjoyed? Have you noticed how sometimes the ...

CUPE to picket Winterfest

Ed. Note: This is a press release issued by CUPE via Marketwire: With the ongoing labour dispute and the City's refusal to bargain, CUPE city workers will be maintaining picket lines during Winterfest, including the planned tree lighting on December 5. CUPE 2262 president Leford Lafayette said that members regret that they ...

Stop Making It Worse

We must cease making large, long-term capital investments in new fossil fuel infrastructure that “locks in” dangerous emission levels for many decades.                                                                                      – The Keystone Principle What we do matters. That belief motivates each of us every morning...

Columbia Power brings home Safety Gold

Columbia Power Corporation (Columbia Power) was honoured to bring home two Gold level Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) safety awards from a ceremony held earlier this month in Ottawa. Columbia Power received the CEA President’s Award of Excellence for Employee Safety and the Vice President’s Award for Safety Excellence...

Pacific Coastal introduces new route out of Trail

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by Pacific Coastal: Pacific Coastal Airlines is pleased to announce the addition of another new route to its network of more than sixty-five destinations in British Columbia effective Monday January 12, 2015. The new Trail-Kelowna flight will operate six days a week - once...

City speaks to union criticisms in current strike action

PUBLIC NOTICE RE CUPE STRIKE (issued by the City of Castlegar): The City wishes to advise Castlegar residents City facilities will remain open and City non-union staff will endeavor to provide prompt service to residents, businesses and visitors during the current labour strike. Your understanding and patience is appreciated....

Morale high on picket lines, outstanding issues remain

Despite unseasonably chilly weather early in the week, morale on the city worker picket line hasn’t cooled, according to CUPE 2262 union president Leford Lafayette. “I think moral is pretty high,” said Lafayette, adding members see picketing for job security as fighting for a good cause. “We have people from as far away as ...

Interfor to invest $50 mill in Castlegar facility

Interfor has announced it will be making a $50-million investment in its Castlegar facility, according to a Nov. 6 press release which also said the project will convert the Castlegar mill to a two-line operation with state-of-the-art technology and optimization. "We expect significant improvements in lumber recovery,...

Frog wins People's Choice at Sculpturewalk Gala

“Northern Leopard Frog” by local Krestova artists Kevin Kratz and James Karthein, won big at the 2014 Castlegar Sculpturewalk Awards, taking home both the coveted People’s Choice Award and the Artistic Merit Award. This is the first time ever that a sculpture has won in both categories, and the second time that Kratz & ...

Good turn out in Castlegar and Trail for early polls

Advanced polling numbers in both Trail and Castlegar indicate a better turn out than either city has seen in previous years. Castlegar’s advanced polling was held on Nov. 4 and 5, and city manager John Malcolm says 389 people showed up to cast an early ballot, as compared to 216 in the byelection in September of 2013. Malcolm...

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