

Decision on new stat holiday open for your vote

Minister of Labour, Citizens’ Services and Open Government Margaret MacDiarmid and Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation Pat Bell were joined by families and community members at the Royal B.C. Museum today to announce a consultation process with British Columbians for choosing which Monday in February will be the new official statutory holiday, Family Day. […]

Olympian and Para-Olympian medalists speak out again proposed Jumbo resort

A group of Canadian Olympian and Para-Olympian medalists are speaking out on the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort near Invermere. Nordic skiing medalist Beckie Scott and hockey gold medal winner Scott Scott Niedermayer are just two of the many Canadians fighting to Keep Jumbo Wild. “We recognize there are limits to development, when enough is enough, […]

Midwives laud expanded training opportunities

The Midwives Association of British Columbia (MABC) welcomes the Provincial Government’s commitment to increase the availability of midwifery training and services, said Ganga Jolicoeur, Executive Director of MABC. Jolicoeur, along with new mom Channing Rodman of Vancouver, participated in an event today at which the Minster...

Ancient Musqueam Marpole village site must be protected from further desecration

First Nations Summit leaders are speaking out in support of the Musqueam Nation in their continuing fight to protect the remains of their ancestors located on the former Musqueam village site C̓əsnaʔəm, now known as the Marpole Midden.   The Musqueam Nation has been engaged in discussions with the City of Vancouver and the ...

LETTER: Help find Madison Scott

Dear Editor Re:   20 year old Madison Scott still missing as anniversary date approaches   Unbelievably, my 20 year old niece, Madison Scott, remains missing after mysteriously disappearing on Saturday, May 28, 2011, from the Hogsback Lake forestry campsite 25 kms south of Vanderhoof, one hour west of Prince George. She was...

ICBC employees vote in favour of job action

Union members at the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia have voted 87 per cent in favour of job action, said the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union, Local 378 (COPE 378). The collective agreement expired in 2010 and the union and ICBC have been bargaining since January of 2011. “The strength of this vote...

VIDEO: William Housty addresses NEB on Heiltsuk culture, threat of oil spill

30 year-old William Housty's powerhouse presentation to the National Energy Board's Enbridge hearings in his community of Bella Bella. William describes the history, language and culture of his people in fascinating detail - and how the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline and Tar Sands supertankers transiting the waters of his...

How many roads?

Bob Dylan wrote the lyrics; Peter, Paul and Mary recorded it in the early 1960s and I, coming of age as a young civil rights supporter and believer,  always found the song "Blowin' In The Wind" as evocative, emotional and energizing as the fight for equality and social justice took hold in the U.S. and Canada, including the...

Dix to be commended for renewing NDP's call for a ban on corporate and union donations

IntegrityBC congratulates NDP leader Adrian Dix for renewing the BC NDP's call for a ban on corporate and union donations to political parties in the province. Dix is honouring the pledge that the NDP made in its 2009 platform. Dix made the call during a media scrum last Wednesday while responding to questions over the annual...

The bees' needs

When the final tally is done on humanity’s many post-Industrial Revolution screw ups, it is likely that the top of the list will be: They let the bees die. Consider this: According to a 2010 UN Environmental Programme report, some 100 crop species provide 90% of food worldwide. Nearly three quarters of these crops depend for...

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