

Regional approach to economic development possible first step towards amalgamation

There’s a new group in town that is now officially off and running on a mission to inject new life into the economic picture of this area and their plan of doing it on a region wide basis could be the initial building block towards a regional municipality.   We can now add another acronym to our lexicon with the launch of the...

Trick or...Food?: Selkirk students give back to an under the radar charity

Ahhh life in the Kootenays. Peaceful, happy, serene are among a whole host of adjectives one could use to describe a section of earth that seems straight out of paradise. Life can be so good and so fulfilling here at times that we can get caught up in a happy bubble and forget that life isn’t that great for all of us, all the...

Getting kids excited about technology

As you likely know I appreciate new technology and innovation; and I love to celebrate it.   What you may not know is that I am also a film lover. Yes it is true.   This last week I enjoyed the opportunity to experience both technology and film in one (don’t worry this is going somewhere).   Firstly I would like to take this...

LETTER: Canada lagging behind in our treatment of animals

In the light of the recent outcry regarding the murder of the mother bear and her two cubs in Castlegar that happened to be in a tree that was too close to so called civilization I would like to address humans need to control everything out of fear which shows up many times as cruelty to life around us.   Humans have this...

Bieber fever hits Rossland teen

Oh no! Say it isn’t so. Justin Bieber is getting engaged!   Admittedly, the tween-aged hearthrob may not know it — yet.   If mega fan Brittanie Catalano has her way, it’s the way things are going to go after Tuesday’s concert at Rogers Arena. Ever since her friend Roni introduced her to the singer’s song “One Time,” Catalano...

Rossland Aims to Attract Nomads

The City ofRossland hopes to build on its frontier heritage by attracting modern-day prospectors, who troll the Internet for their 'nuggets'. These "Nomadic Entrepreneurs" may hold the key to building its business base, according to a report issued today by the Rossland Economic Development Task Force (EDTF).    Rossland Mayor...

Rossland Mountain Market celebrates a successful season

One sure (and sad) sign that fall is upon us is the end of our local farmer’s market season. Last Thursday saw the final day of Rossland’s farmer’s market, and according to organizer Rachael Roussin, 2010 was an exceedingly successful season.   The market’s downtown location on Queen Street between the Credit Union and Ross...

Editorial: A school for mayors and councilors? Why not...

Have you ever thought of running for council? If so, would the fact that the job had a three year term or a four year term hold any sway over your decision?  One of the interesting aspects of municipal governments, particularly in small towns, is that they truly are made up of everyday folks. Career, professional politicians...

Even cynics feel gratitude

For a cynical kind of person, holidays provide a great opportunity to be, well, cynical. I am actually pretty indifferent about most holidays, not seeing the point of many events people seem to get excited about, like Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and even Easter. Well, actually Easter is okay, but only because of the chocolate...

A big weekend in the "Mountain Culture Capital of Canada"

Had your fill of turkey, leftover turkey, turkey sandwiches, soup, omelets and perhaps even a late night snack of turkey mac and cheese? Got a hankering for some locally grown culture? This weekend serves up second and third heaping helpings of a 100 mile talent. Taken as a sample of life in the Golden City, this weekend could...

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