

BUSINESS PROFILE: A new Perspective on tattooing

Housed in our Columbia Avenue landmark The Velvet Building, Perspective Tattoo is currently on the cusp of undergoing a cosmetic and structural makeover similar to that undertaken on The Velvet’s exterior; while Velveteen landlord Andy Talbot tinkers with the burgundy frontage, Perspective Tattoo’s resident artist and...

Pesticide ban bylaw on the agenda for Monday night: Local Prevent Cancer Now rep calls for public support

Banning the use of pesticides in Rossland will be back on the City Council Agenda tonight. Councillor Kathy Moore will be speaking to her motion that Rossland ask city staff to develop a bylaw banning the use of pesticides in Rossland based around the bylaw Invermere put in place just over a year and a half ago.  Diana Daghofer...

Fire season in region comes in at less than half of average

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyThe number of fires that burned in the West Kootenay region this year was less than half of the 10-year average, with even fewer hectares than anywhere else in the province succumbing to forest fire blazes, according to the Southeast Fire Centre.There were only 227 fires that were reported...

REVIEW: Paranormal Activity 2 abnormally un-scary

There is a scene in Paranormal Activity 2 which, I believe, represents the entire movie. It's a shot of the baby Hunter's bedroom with that very baby lying in his crib. As soon as I saw this I thought to myself, 'that poor baby is going to float in the air' and lo and behold a minute later that baby floated. How did I know?...

Taking back our BC: Rafe Mair and crew bring their Common Sense Canadian tour through Rossland

Just what is fascism, how has it creeped back into our society, and what can we do about it to bring the power back to the people in British Columbia were three major questioned posed last week as Rafe Mair and company brought their travelling road show to Rossland. Calling their tour “The Common Sense Canadian Town Hall Tour:...

Tax exemption bylaw passes, but controversies linger

This past Wednesday, October 27th at noon during a special meeting of council, Rossland officially adopted its new revitalization tax exemption bylaw. At its core, the intent of the bylaw is to remove one hindrance building owners face in fixing up or expanding their non-residential buildings in the hopes that it will attract...

Waiting for Oz: RLOP Warms up with original dinner theatre show

  At the height of ski season, after an influx of skiers from far away swells the population of Rossland, February 2011 will see an influx of another kind: the short, high-pitched voice kind, the witchy kind, and the kind missing key major organs most of us could not survive without. I am not talking about anything Halloween-related...

LETTER: Not all councillors on board with the new tax exemption bylaw

Once again council has given the proverbial finger to the taxpayers of Rossland.  This time, council has adopted a Revitalization Tax Exemption (RTE) Bylaw that gives another financial break to developers in the resort areas of the City.  Advocates of development at any cost have repeatedly pointed to all the taxes that...

EDITORIAL: Thought that text message was private? New federal legislation could hamper online privacy

Just how private should our communications be in this country? While it’s not touted as often in Canada as in the United States, we do live in a supposedly free country. At the end of a decade in which freedoms and privacy have been under attack, it seems, as much as terrorism (particularly In the United States with the...

Adult Gymnastics: Beating the Trail Resident Card program and getting in shape to boot

Every pre-season I make the same promise to myself: this year is going to be different. When the snow hits and the chairs start rounding the bull wheel, I’m going to be ready. My need for cardiovascular fitness, endurance, flexibility and strength training will be aligned via a realistic and attainable regime, the ultimate ...

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