

U19 Film Fest red carpet event draws youth talent to Trail's Royal Theatre on April 14

The annual Under-19 Film Festival will hold its gala event to showcase the work of youth filmmakers from around the region on Apr. 14, 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Royal Theatre. Now in it’s fifth year, this will be the first the U19 Film Fest has been in a professional setting, said co-organizer Rachael Roussin of the Rossland...

Meet the artists: Youth filmmakers from around the region participate in the upcoming U19 Film Fest

As the rest of the youth filmmakers at Rossland's Miners' Hall on Tuesday worked away at the screenings, trouble-shooting technical difficulties and discussing the various films' merits, I stole a few moments with a trio from J.L. Crowe who have submitted two films to the U19 Film Fest, and a familiar pair from Rossland who...

Expanded BC transit service caters to corridor commutes and late evening forays

In a bid to entice more commuter and late evening riders, BC Transit has extended its service to the Kootenay Boundary Regional Transit System to include more early evening runs, Friday night runs on populated routes, and more weekday runs along "the corridor" between Fruitvale and Rossland (Route 3 and Route 6), and between...

Slush Cup 2012: Staying alive

The 2012 Slush Cup was held last Saturday at Red Resort and much hilarity ensued. Catch the action on this video....

Tempers flare as Columbia-Washington parking controversy continues

Council has deferred decisions on the final design for the upcoming Columbia-Washington renovation until all the tender documents from prospective contractors are received and council can debate the merits of various plans with "hard numbers" in hand. The tender deadline was extended beyond the original closing date of Mar....

LETTER FROM JOE HILL: Gifford goes out with a bang and the series lives on!

As many people know, my time of management for the Joe Hill Coffeehouse series is nearing its end. My first show was September, 2008, and my final show will be May, 2012, show #35. I wanted to make my final May show "something special", but the timing of the performers involved required that we make it the April 15 show...

Salmo kicks BC butt in Earth Hour Challenge, wins $5K prize

Thousands of residents from across the Okanagan and Kootenays joined one of the largest environmental campaigns on the planet by switching off for Earth Hour 2012 on Saturday, March 31 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For the fourth consecutive year, FortisBC sponsored the Earth Hour Challenge, encouraging residents from 17...

Columbia Avenue tender musings: Is parallel parking an inevitability?

The date for receipt of tenders for the Columbia Avenue infrastructure project has been delayed - again.  So has council’s often-requested discussion about what to do about the project - particularly the issue of parallel vs. angle parking. The latest delay comes about because the tender documents have been changed again.  ...

Proposed Nelson Budget Includes Tax Increase, No Increases to Programs or Services

There will be a 3% tax increase to homeowners in the coming year, if City Council passes its own budget proposal later this month. For a $330,000 home (the average assessed value in Nelson), that would amount to about $39 per year. It will bring in about $195,000 for the city. The Nelson City Police will not get their staff...

ASTHMA: Find the cause and treat the symptoms

Asthma is an increased response of the airways to certain stimuli that are irritants/allergies or sensitivities to that person. This causes broncho-constriction, which means narrowing of the breathing passageways, which can lead to shortness of breath, wheezing or a chronic cough and in some cases can be life-threatening. At...

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