

ANALYSIS: Do you know what you're paying for? PART ONE—Putting the budget into perspective

Coun. Cary Fisher has taken Rossland's budget to task, recently asking residents, "Do you know what you're paying for?” Fisher expressed dismay that many residents didn't know where their taxes go. He pointed to the media to sound the alarm and called for the public to identify budget cuts before the annual budget cycle gets...

Living large in Mayberry or tightening belts for 21st Century recessions? Which way forward for the Mountain Kingdom?

Budget season is coming up fast and Coun. Cary Fisher, a self-described "numbers guy," has sounded the alarm: "Do you know what you're paying for?"Fisher came to council with an emphasis on trimming fat from the budget, but last year he felt that council didn't get a solid chance to make spending cuts because councillors were...

TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: Rossland’s “most prominent” citizen, Charlie Mackintosh

...And no one has probably heard of him. Do we have a street in town named after him? A mountain peak? A building? No, we don’t. But according to sources, Jeremy Mouat being one of them, C.H. Mackintosh, AKA Charlie Mackintosh, was one of Rossland’s big movers and shakers during the mining boom. In fact, he was J. Whitaker ...

UPGRADE UPDATE: One week to go!

This is week 25 of the 26 week construction schedule!  All the terra cotta coloured paving tiles have been laid, and the grey pavers near the cenotaph, Father Pat Memorial and Harry Lefevre Square will be completed by Friday. The stage in Harry Lefevre Square should be finished by week’s end. All plantings will also be complete...

"Challenge of Change", folk dancing, and more...

You may have heard the story of Warren McDonald, the double above-knee amputee who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2003, after losing both legs during a backpacking trek in Australia, six years earlier.  Warren’s story was featured on the television show, “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” and he was also interviewed on the Oprah show. ...

COMMENT: Outrageous City Hall salaries an expensive legacy

Victor Kumar, former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has left behind a legacy of outrageous salaries for management staff that are going to be very expensive for the taxpayers of Rossland. Through a Freedom of Information request, I’ve obtained copies of the contracts for City management staff and information about salary...

RSS's annual 'spooktacular' show is coming this Tuesday--buy tickets now!

The Rossland Secondary School's Drama Department is eerily pleased to present to you its annual Fright Night Spooktacular! It sells out every year so you are encouraged to buy your blood-soaked tickets well in advance. For those who aren't familiar with the terrifying premise, your tour group is guided through the House of ...

Rossland council wants public input on leash laws and smoking bans

Following council's request in September for a "smoking dogs" bylaw, city staff returned to council on Monday with a report on bylaws used by other communities to control dogs and restrict smoking in public areas. Council voted to provide several opportunities for public input before contemplating any change to either the ban...

Kootenay Columbia Trail Society plans a major expansion to attract new riders

Stewart Spooner of the Kootenay Columbia Trails Society (KCTS) has spearheaded an effort to build a new 17 kilometre bike and hike trail from Red Mountain Resort to Nancy Greene Pass. The intermediate level trail will be less technically demanding than other trails in the existing network. "The motivation behind this big...

"Rossland Gateway" property applies for commercial zoning to build a metal shop

Council has advanced Curtis Nichols' application to rezone his property at 926 Black Bear Drive—opposite the junction of Highway 22 and the Cascade Highway—from R1 Residential to C2 Commercial Service, and a public hearing has been scheduled for Nov. 12. Nichols plans to subdivide his lot, keeping the southern portion...

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