
A Change at the Rossland Telegraph

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
December 23rd, 2014

Dear Readers:

Adrian Barnes, the original editor of the Rossland Telegraph, is moving on after getting the Telegraph well  established and serving six years in the editor’s chair.   Thanks, Adrian, for those years, and for creating the Telegraph.

Sadly, Adrian was unable to find an experienced, qualified  editor to take his place, and I — your new, inexperienced editor — have stepped in simply because I regard the Telegraph as a valuable community resource, and did not want to see it end.

The Telegraph is local, operated by community-minded Rosslanders, and indedpendent — it is not part of a national or international media empire with content dictated from afar.  The Telegraph has space to report fully on Rossland City Council meetings, and you will soon see reports on board meetings of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary.

Reporting on local government prepares readers to participate more effectively in elections, and to provide well-informed input to their elected representatives.  City Council and the RDKB board  make decisions that have profound effects on our community and our lives.  

Of course, the Telegraph continues to welcome articles, news items,  and opinions from readers; that’s part of the “community resource” function.

You may notice a slightly different “flavour” over the next few months.  That’s inevitable, given a change from one editor to another.  In the meanwhile, I ask for your patience and kindness while I learn how to do this.  

May each and every one of you, and all your families, have the very best possible holiday season.

— Sara    

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