

LETTER: Keeping an eye on the ball....but which ball??

Dear editor, With all the focus on the Jason Ward affair and the prospect of school closures in Rossland, we shouldn’t lose sight of other concerns--like our taxes. We still don’t know the final cost of the Columbia / Washington project and its impact on taxes. (When are we going to be informed on this?) It has been reported...

Have a blind date at the Rossland Library this Valentine's Day

The Rossland Public Library is inviting people to drop in on February 14th and have a blind date with a book. Librarians have made a selection of potential dates to seduce readers. “We’re hoping that Rosslanders will come and take a chance on a blind date this Valentine’s Day,” said Katie Albright, Library Director. “You won’t...

LETTER: Why didn't you say it to our face?

Dear editor, There was no giant roar of disapproval from the small crowd gathered to hear SD20's first reading of the school closure bylaw, when all but three of the trustees voted to defeat the option to keep K-12 in Rossland at RSS. And that's exactly the way the trustees wanted it. They didn't want to face angry questions....

LETTER: RSS vote an 'act of cowardice' and a 'slap in the face'

Dear editor, The citizens of Rossland have spent many years and long hours fighting to keep K-12 education in our community. In the over 175 submissions that were sent to the board of SD20 last month, the vast majority accepted a compromise and favoured closing MacLean Elementary, with K-12 at RSS. Over 500 people came to the...

Too many great activities to list...just scroll through the list!

The Recreation Department is working on the Spring Brochure, which will be available mid-March and cover the months of April, May and June.   If you’re new to town and interested in teaching a hobby or skill that you enjoy, please contact us to discuss opportunities for running a program.  If you represent a local organization...

OPEN LETTER: If SD20 won't look out for our kids, then let us do it ourselves

Dear School District 20:   On Jan 15th we were subjected to yet another meeting regarding the funding crisis in SD20. It started as usual with the board presenting numbers and charts that show a) the declining enrolment and b) the cost savings associated with various school closure scenarios.    As for a) there was an admission...

COMMENT: What lies beyond the Golden City blame game?

It's easy to blame, and why shouldn’t we? A few people ought to be blamed. For starters, let's blame one Victor Kumar, who when offered the job as Rossland's CAO made it a condition of his employment that Council pass Bylaw 2473 that turned over virtually all council's powers to him. Let's also blame that particular council...

Coun. Kathy Wallace: "Telegraph readers do not represent the whole community"

City Hall was packed for Monday's council evening as residents turned up in force to request that council pursue a third-party investigation of the arena scandal, but also to directly address comments made by Coun. Kathy Wallace two weeks ago.At that time, as council voted 4-3 against apologizing to Rosslanders for the way ...

Agreement on arena scandal action crumbles into acrimony as council meeting comes to a close

"I had an ah-ha moment last week in an email exchange with a citizen," Coun. Kathy Moore said during Members' Reports, towards the end of a three-hour council meeting on Monday evening, and just before council adjourned to an in camera discussion on labour relations.Moore argued that part of the problem that exacerbated the...

COMMENT: A straight shootin cowgirl, yes ma'am!

In response to the acrimony at the end of Monday’s council meeting, one reader called Coun. Moore a “straight shooter.” Too true. In my reports, I cannot convey the subtext, the subtle looks, the postures, the energy, and the feeling in people’s statements without colouring them with my biased interpretation of the emotional...

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