

Selkirk College Partners with Rwandan Music School

A blossoming relationship between the Selkirk College Contemporary Music & Technology Program and Rwanda’s Nyundo School of Music has been formalized. Earlier this spring, music program instructor Gilles Parenteau and three Selkirk College students traveled to the African nation to repay a visit that took place this past...

Column: From the Hill -- Bill C-14 and Access to Medically Assisted Dying

By Member Of Pariliament for South Okanagan- West Kootenay, Richard Cannings:  Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying) In March I wrote in this column about the ongoing debates in Parliament around medical aid in dying, brought on by the Supreme...

Volunteers need for the annual BC Bat Count

The Kootenay Community Bat Project (KCBP) is seeking volunteers for the annual BC Bat Count. This citizen-science initiative encourages residents to count bats at local roost sites. “Bat counts are a wonderful way for residents to get involved in collecting important scientific information” said Leigh Anne Isaac, Coordinator...

Rossland Student Wins Scholarship to Carleton University

A few years after graduating from high school in Rossland, Maddie Snelgrove decided it was time to return to school but still didn’t have her career path planned out. Two years later, the local woman not only has two years post-secondary education under her belt from Selkirk College, she has a dream she’s ready to make happen....

The Strange Case of DFO Abdicating Its Legal Responsibilities

Many of us eat  salmon and other fish here in Rossland too, far from the sea -- whether it's fresh fish bought at Ferraro Foods, or canned.  For that reason and many others, we should be concerned about the health of BC's fish populations.  Strangely, the federal government's Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), charged...


The Rossland Public Library invites kids to join the fun and games at the 2016 BC Summer Reading Club. This year’s theme is Book a Trip!  Registration is free and starts at the library on 1 June. Kids receive a reading record to keep track of their reading. If they read, or are read to, for 20 minutes each day for 49 days, ...

COLUMN: Feeding Humanity in a Warming World

Calculating farming’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is difficult, but experts agree that feeding the world’s people has tremendous climate and environmental impacts. Estimates of global emissions from farms range widely. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency puts them at 24 per cent, including deforestation,...


Oxygen Art Centre in downtown Nelson is an artist-run venue that provides space and programming for artists and the public to engage in the creation, study, exhibition and performance of contemporary art in all disciplines.   Oxygen Art Centre is currently accepting submissions for its Exhibition and Residency program.  ...

Credit Union accomplice sentenced at Nelson Courthouse

The accomplice in the robberies of Nelson and District Credit Union and Kootenay Currency Exchange was sentenced to almost five years in jail in Nelson Supreme Court. Krista Kalmikoff, 28, who was convicted of five of six counts for her part in the robberies that rocked the Heritage City in April of 2014, was given a sentence...

No serious or fatal accidents during Victoria Day weekend

Sergent John Ferguson, Acting OIC for the South East District Traffic Services-East said in a media release there were no serious or fatal accidents in the Kootenay Boundary during the Victoria Day Holiday weekend. "The roads were very busy but with a large presence of enforcement and the rainy weather, the motoring public ...

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