

EXTRA, EXTRA: Kootenay businesses marry small carbon footprints with big savings

This week, we here at Lone Sheep Publishing are proud to announce the launching of our new Green Flyers concept. In cooperation with several forward-thinking and environmentally-conscious local businesses, we’re now offering our readers access to local merchants’ weekly online flyers. How does it work? Glad you asked. When, as a subscriber, you receive your […]

Rainmouse? Gene mutation produces autism-like traits in mice

By causing the mutation of one specific gene, researchers have produced mice with two frequently encountered behavioral traits of persons diagnosed with autism. Autism commonly affects the ability to interact socially and is associated with repetitive behavior. The finding was reported in the March 20 on line edition of Nature.   Using mice, researchers at […]

Canadian student groups flood PMO with calls for an end to $1.4 billion in subsidies to oil companies

Nearly two years later it would seem that young Canadians are tired of waiting.  Yesterday hundreds of youth from across the country began calling the hill asking to chat with our Prime Minister, calling for an end to the $1.4 billion in public money current given to oil and gas companies each year. The cross-country “phone […]

Fix carbon tax by ending corporate tax breaks, using revenues for climate action and new tax credit: study

A new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Sierra Club BC calls on the provincial government to scale up BC’s carbon tax, and makes a number of recommendations to make the tax more effective and fair.   “As currently structured, the BC carbon tax is increasing social inequality, while squandering revenues on […]

Selkirk counts Nelson & District Credit Union in

Selkirk College has officially counted the Nelson & District Credit Union (NDCU) in with its donation of $6,000 towards the revitalization campaign for Studio 80 at Tenth Street campus in Nelson. In November 2010, Selkirk College launched the “Count Me In” campaign to raise $150,000 for the revitalization of the Contemporary Music and Technology students’ […]

Selkirk College TRIUMFs in physics research

Selkirk College has joined forces with TRIUMF–a consortium of 15 universities in Canada whose purpose is to conduct world-class experimental research in subatomic physics and nuclear medicine and to commercialize its spin-off technologies. Housed at University of British Columbia’s campus in Vancouver, TRIUMF is one of the world’s leading subatomic physics laboratories. It has partnerships and collaborations with researchers from […]

Atamanenko faces off against Biotech lobby over seed bill

The massive Biotech lobby has spent nine months and hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting against New Democrat Agriculture Critic Alex Atamanenko’s seed bill.   “The amount of muscle flexing by big biotech against my simple bill has just been over the top,” said Atamanenko. “I am amazed that over 40 industry lobbyists – hired by […]

Wikileaks website attacked; millions of files to be released tonight

 Wikileaks‘ website is reportedly under attack as it prepares to release up to 2.7 million documents, described as “diplomatic dynamite”, detailing communication between United States embassies. “We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack,” the organisation said on its Twitter feed. The website, run by Julian Assange, retaliated by saying that even if their website goes down, several […]

ATAMANENKO: Home heating costs: make or break

When I think of winter coming, I imagine cosy weekends filled with children’s laughter and hot chocolate shared in the warm glow of a living room.  But for too many people here in the BC Southern Interior, that first snowfall may feel a little more ominous.  For some of our friends and neighbours—maybe even your […]

Kalesnikoff Lumber hits a cord with Selkirk students

Students in Selkirk College’s School of Renewable Resources (Integrated Environmental Planning Technology, Recreation, Fish and Wildlife Technology and Forest Technology) are raising money for their year-end field trip fund to assist with expenses of travel, accommodation, food and tours. They will be selling cords of firewood, generously donated by Kalesnikoff Lumber Company. “Thanks to Kalesnikoff […]

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