

COLUMN: A Fork in the Road -- Canadians' Privileged Choice?

There is a war between the rich and poor,  A war between the man and the woman.  There is a war between the ones who say there is a war  And the ones who say there isn't.Why don't you come on back to the war, that's right, get in it,  Why don't you come on back to the war, it's just beginning. Why don't you come on back to ...

Use essential oils with caution: some contain endocrine disruptors

A new study has found that lavender oil and tea tree oil contain endocrine disruptors, and their use has been linked to the abnormal development of breast tissue in young boys. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the normal production and function of hormones. Essential oils are generally regarded as pleasant...

COLUMN: SUVs and trucks nullify car efficiency gains

When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency increased safety and environmental standards for cars in the 1970s, automakers responded. Although they had to adhere to the new rules, they didn’t base their entire response on safety or pollution concerns. Instead, they looked for loopholes. Under the U.S. Clean Air Act, vehicle...

Editorial thoughts before World Water Day: oceans, breathing, and the Permian extinction

How do the oceans affect life in the Kootenays? With World Water Day coming up on March 22, let’s think, not only about how lucky we are to have enough fresh water, but also about how vast and distant saltwater oceans affect us all, everywhere. Many people have viewed the video clip of a diver swimming near Bali through a sea...

OP/ED: Feminism: we've come a long way ... but we're not even close to there yet

It’s International Women’s Day – a day I usually use to applaud the progress and accomplishments of my gender. How cool that few would dare, any longer, refer to us as the “weaker sex” (at least not in our hearing), and that no one bats an eye when a woman’s title is Dr. rather than […]

COLUMN: Renewable Communities Produce Energy, Jobs and Hope

Anishinaabe economist and writer Winona LaDuke identifies two types of economies, grounded in different ways of seeing. Speaking in Vancouver recently, she characterized one as an “extreme extractive economy” fed by exploitation of people and nature. The second is a “regenerative economy” based on an understanding of the land...

Column: PART II -- Human nature: a meditation on politics and history

(Part One ended with this paragraph: On the political right and left, fascists and communists have similarly tried to impose social engineering on the peoples they ruled. But the fascist type of right-wing ideologues are modernists, not traditional conservatives.) Part Two: It is time to consider conservatism. Conservatives:...

Letter to the Editor: Teck talks about selenium in the Elk River Valley

To the Editor, I wanted to follow up on your February 28, 2018 article (Some good news from Teck. And other things to consider) and provide some additional context for your readers on the extensive work Teck has underway to protect water quality in the Elk Valley. Selenium is a naturally-occurring element throughout the environment, […]

COLUMN: Human Nature: a meditation on politics and history

“[A]s individuals express their life, so they are. Hence what individuals are depends on the material conditions of their production... History involves 'a continuous transformation of human nature'... '[there is] human nature in general, and then human nature as modified in each historical epoch' ”...

Op/Ed: Site C work stoppage: a First nations view

Editor's Note: This is a press release  from the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. The Treaty 8 First Nations taking the Site C project to court have just secured a major work stoppage in the lead-up to a court injunction application set to be heard this summer. On January 15th, the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations filed...

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