

EDITORIAL: Means and Ends

 Two weeks ago in this space we wrote about the difference between two places that we like to think of as Real Rossland and Dream Rossland. Last week we wrote about what sorts of priorities might help make Rossland a better place to live. This week, we'd like to round out our summertime meditations on the Mountain Kingdom's...

EDITORIAL: Chickens and Eggs

Last week in this space we proposed the existence of two Rosslands, each existing in its own alternate universe: Real Rossland and Dream Rossland. This week we find evidence that City Council may be inhabitants of the former. By declining to adopt bylaw #2453, council made a decision that reflected the realities of life in ...

EDITORIAL: Is the Boom Bust? A Tale of Two Rosslands

If you find yourself at loose ends one evening this summer, walk downtown and count the empty store fronts. You might need more than the fingers on your two hands, so bring a friend or family member along. After several years the old Bank of Montreal building is still for sale; the old Garage and Gypsy locations are empty; ...

EDITORIAL: West Kootenay Greyhound Cuts a Bad Idea

The Greyhound Canada Transportation Corporation, a subsidiary of British rail and bus company FirstGroup, is currently applying to the BC Passenger Transportation Board to reduce east-west trips through our region from two a day to one. The British corporation (it’s a sign of the times that Canadian buses are run by a British company with […]

Editorial: Air and Share

Since we started the Telegraph last fall, our prime directive (yes, we've seen the new Star Trek film—it's swell) has been to provide a voice for the community of Rossland, a public space where Rosslanders can come together (yes, we've heard the new Beatles album—it's fab) and share information and resources and air grievances...

EDITORIAL: The Spirit of Volunteerism

As Rossland struggles with recreation issues and the Pool Society tries to promote the idea of membership for its facility, it seems like a good time to take a moment to give some thanks for the spirit of volunteerism. The Trail Aquatic Centre may become an unaffordable option for many families in town, but we'll still have...

COMMENTARY: One or Two Things Stephen Harper Never Learned in Kindergarten

Watching TV and TV ads would, I suspect, rarely qualify as newsworthy events but this week a series of ads caught my attention and got me riled up. Every time they come on, they lead to a debate in our household. Not that I’m a big TV watcher by any stretch, but I do often watch the 6 o’clock news and if you’ve been watching...

EDITORIAL: Election 2009: The People Have Mumbled

At the conclusion of what was an insubstantial, ignored, and rather silly campaign by the two main parties, British Columbians awake to a new dawn...that looks pretty much like the previous 1400 or so. However, digging through a landfill crammed with discarded campaign signs (are there any Green ones in there, we wonder), we...

EDITORIAL: And The Telegraph Endorses...

Here's how we see the election. First, the environment is the only issue that really matters. If you disagree, stop reading now as you'll object to everything that follows. Anyone who reads this paper on a regular basis will know that, in our opinion, we're on the verge of one of two things: a catastrophic series of events ...

GUEST OPINION: The Proposed STV System

By Andre CarrelThe question we need to ask before we talk about electoral systems is this: Why do we need government? The answer is that human activity is organized through institutions that facilitate long-term cooperation, starting at the level of the family and spiralling into ever larger circles. Governments are institutions...

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