

EDITORIAL: Winter Carnival – what we're all about

Our ice rink may be running the risk of defrosting, our schools may be on the verge of failing, and even our post office may be on the way to the dead letter office, but that doesn't mean we don't have anything to celebrate this Winter Carnival weekend here in the Mountain Kingdom. This year is the 113th edition of the Carnival...

SHE SAID: Let's ALL prorogue!

I bet the School District 20 board of education is, right now, wishing it had Stephen Harper’s discretionary power and could just prorogue the whole district until this budgetary mess goes away …or at least until the public forgets about it. Of course, they can’t … no more than I can “prorogue” this issue of […]

OP/ED: MP speaks to proroguing and nation-building

When the government has completed the legislative agenda they have put forward in the session following a Budget speech it is usual and perfectly fine to prorogue the House. In fact Parliament can be prorogued on one day and a new budget speech introduced the following day if the government chooses. It is not okay, […]

OP/ED: MP opposes proroguing Parliament

Alex Atamanenko, MP, B.C. Southern Interior, is accusing the Harper government of misusing his privilege to prorogue Parliament in order to suit its own political agenda. Parliament, which was scheduled to resume on Jan. 25, has now (had its leave) extended to March 3, a date which appears to have been contrived to coincide with […]

SHE SAID: Complaining to SD 20 is just preaching to the choir

Last night’s public meeting in Castlegar discussing options for School District 20 (SD 20) as it tries to cope with declining enrollment and funding cuts was, for me, an education. First, I was both surprised and pleased to see such a huge turn out – more than 300 people attended, despite the Canada/USA hockey game […]

OP/ED: Our own Leggett looks back on '09

It’s that time of year again, when people contemplate the previous year, and here at The Source, we’re doing the same. When I reflect on the past year, the first thing that enters my mind is how lucky I am to have my beautiful wife Nichole and the seven years we have shared together; and my […]

EDITORIAL: All things for all people

As you prepare to open presents or old family grievances, ski deep powder or skate on thin ice, visit or avoid family, schlep the local trails on skis or snowshoes or sled them, offer praise or gift giving advice, hoist a tankard of ale or down some eggnog (alarmingly, ‘chicken milk’ in French), sink into […]

OP/ED: Olympics not optional

The Olympic Games are always a favourite venue for disgruntled demonstrators, and 2010 promises to be a pivotal time for activists in B.C. We have a loose coalition of anti-Olympic, anti-global, anti-poverty and anti-capitalist advocates who have been organizing protests to take place during the Games but, mixed in with the activists who may have […]

MLA introduces anti-HST petition

The following is a press release issued by NDP MLA Katrine Conroy: Over a thousand signatures from people in the West Kootenays opposing the B.C. Liberals’ HST were introduced in the legislature by Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy. “The people of the Kootenays were lied to by the B.C. Liberals about the HST, and if […]

COMMENT: life getting harder for post-secondary students

Over the past years life has become more difficult for our post-secondary students. This past summer saw the second highest level of student unemployment since 1977. Those that found jobs faced lower wages and fewer hours. Most students need a part-time job while studying and often work long hours resulting in lower marks. Students are […]

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