

Out There: Epicness in the Slocan

I love stuff that is epic.  Epic music, epic stories, epic events, epic vistas - epic anything. The more epic the better. Except the Aeneid and anything by Dickens, that is. And that terrible Oliver Stone movie about Alexander the Great. But other than that, bring on the epic. I love the Kootenays because there is tons of...

Movember concludes for Movember Mo' Panache

“Like sand through the hourglass, so too are the shaves of our lives.”-Fabrizzio Mioggia, world renowned moustachier   Mo’vember 2010 has officially drawn to a close, the only remaining formalities a handful of gala parties in big bergs and metropolae where well connected Bay Street movers and shakers will handshake and...

FAULTLINES: Canada/Israel: The other 'special relationship'

 This episode of Faultlines on the Real News Network explores how Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is working to conflate the concepts of ‘anti-Israel as an apartheid state’ and ‘anti-semitism’ so that anyone critical of Israel will be considered anti-semitic. Essential viewing for anyone who cares about reason, democracy, and human rights.

A gift from the heart

As an adult, I think I’ve always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with Christmas. Don’t get me wrong – I love the festive lights, the excitement of seeing my children enjoy the holidays, get-togethers and all the cooking…but I  really, really hate the commercialization, obligation and fake sentiment that also seems to have come to accompany the entire season. […]

Caught counselling murder? Heck, just apologize!

So, I guess if you want to break the law – say, counseling someone to commit murder – you might want the judge to be the CBC’s ombudsman. Hundreds of people complained to the CBC’s guardian of what is right and wrong on the airwaves with complaints about the sinister and twisted Tom Flanagan’s Christian […]

Under James’ own rules, Kwan must go

NDP Leader Carole James mishandled the “Bob Simpson” problem several weeks ago ..and now that has come back to haunt her. At the time, I criticised James for having MLA Simpson turfed from caucus for publicly criticising as lacklustre a speech  she made to the Union of BC Municipalties convention. It was lacklustre.  But although he did not […]

EDITORIAL: Pooh-poohing poo-poo power

 For over three years now, the Lower Columbia, Greater Trail, South Kootenay (or whatever the current branding of our region is) have been stuck in a much-reported sewer quagmire that has stalled the Liquid Waste Management Planning (LWMP) process at Phase one.   One would hope and expect that with notice given from the...

Scrooge You: not everyone loves Christmas

So it’s December first today and on Saturday there is going to be a sizable Christmas event in the town square, an event meant to “rekindle” our Christmas spirits. A tree will be lit. I think there will be fire involved, but I don’t really know what else is happening because I don’t plan on attending.   Let me state outright...

Wikileaks website attacked; millions of files to be released tonight

 Wikileaks‘ website is reportedly under attack as it prepares to release up to 2.7 million documents, described as “diplomatic dynamite”, detailing communication between United States embassies. “We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack,” the organisation said on its Twitter feed. The website, run by Julian Assange, retaliated by saying that even if their website goes down, several […]

Carole James: Mission accomplished?

Hearing Carole James declare that the challenge to her leadership is over – because the NDP’s Provincial Council backed her – reminds me of George Bush on the US air craft carrier with the huge “Mission Accomplished” sign behind him after the initial attack in Iraq. Talk about not getting it. The NDP is now […]

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