

City manager defends fire chief

I have read with interest some of the comments and letters written about the City's hiring of a second Deputy Fire Chief. I have been interested to see the comments because often times when members of our community write, they have brilliant ideas and cogent arguments that serve the community well. It is this reason that...

LETTER: Councillor responds to reader's commentary about fire chief

Ed note: This letter is in reference to comments made by Paul Therderahn in a letter to the editor published in the Castlegar News, and to a comment made by Ron Armbruster in response to my subsequent rebuttal of that letter in The Source (see https://castlegarsource.com/news/comment-rebuttal-letter-editor-26720#.Ul8JyRDRUik...

COMMENT: Rebutting the rebuttal of my rebuttal ...

For those of you who haven't been following this story, this is a response to the comment after my column last week, which can be read at https://castlegarsource.com/news/comment-rebuttal-letter-editor-26720#.Ul5BThDRUik To the author of said comment: My response is so late in coming because I've really been searching my soul...

There is no Santa and no History. Expect neither presents nor lessons

“Those who do not know the past will repeat it.”       -- George Santayana “History does not repeat itself. People do.”               -- Voltaire “The chief practical use of history is to save us from plausible historical analogies.”                                                                                                ...

LETTER: Thankful for an idea for which the time has come

To the City of Castlegar, Thanks goes out to Deb McIntosh for bringing forward the idea of rainbow crosswalks downtown! Cheers to her and to the City Council for making the effort to make a symbolic gesture of tolerance and respect for diversity. Not only is it coming from a genuine place of good will, it's coming from the ...

COMMENT: The waiting game

The leaves, they are a changin.  The changing of the leaves has always signified a transition period. It is the end of the warm summer days, where Rosslanders can be found immersed in the plethora of outdoor activities available to us.  It is the end of days spent swimming and swinging off the rope swing at Nancy Greene Lake....

LETTER: 50 Shades of Crosswalk

"It's not easy being green," said Kermit the Frog. Turns out it's not so easy being anything involving more than one colour these days, if the crosswalk debate is any indication. How did Lifesavers ever get its rainbow coalition of colours into a single package without mass revolt about things with holes in the middle (gutter...

COMMENT: Rebuttal to letter to the editor

I've been doing this a fairly long time, and I've read lots of writing that has made me angry over the years, but few pieces have infuriated me to the same degree as a letter to the editor published in the Castlegar News last week. I believe when you put writing out into the public domain, be it as a trained journalist or as...

COMMENT: Emails or e-myths?

 There are some online stories that seem to have a life of their own. Several versions are making the rounds by email – some got their start well before I took office in 2006. Most seem to have a kernel of truth that has been distorted over time, just like the old game of telephone. After being passed along through a number...

LETTER: US shutdown should push Canada toward proportional representation

Dear Editor. Colonial rule raises its ugly head again. The failure of the US government to continue to operate is yet another example of how screwed up our colonial style governments really are: While we have democratic elections, we do not have democratic governments. Our politicians do not want democracy and arrogantly...

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