

New finance ministry fact sheet omits a bit

When something changes from one week to the next for no apparent reason, it sparks some curiosity, as is the case with the B.C. finance ministry's “Keeping taxes low for B.C. families” fact sheet posted to its website only a week after the provincial budget. It favours spin right from the top. The first two lines, classic. ...

Dr. Brenda Gill Says: Are you Acidic or Alkaline?

                This year warmer weather has come much sooner than usual, so, working towards being slightly alkaline will prepare you for a spring cleanse and minimize seasonal allergies.  So, BEFORE your allergies start, prevent them by being alkaline!  Alkalinity & acidity is based on the essential metabolic processes...

Why is the West Spoiling for a Fight with Russia?

What are the consequences when elected governments make policy based on faith and imperial hubris instead of science and expertise? It's a question that is forcing itself on the world as we watch the United States, Britain, NATO and the Harper government continue to up the ante in the confrontation with Russia over the Ukraine....

LETTER: School superintendent speaks to carving almost $.6 mill from budget

Trustees and district staff have been working on the 2015/16 school year budget since January.  On Feb. 23, the first draft of the budget was released.  It is basically a status-quo budget, which means that this draft of the budget maintains everything that we had in the current year’s preliminary budget, with the following...

Section 43 of the Criminal Code and our Children; a Complex Issue

Contemplating two forms of violence:  physical and emotional Have you ever spanked or swatted your child (or been tempted to)?  Were you ever spanked (or worse) as a child?  In Canada, S. 43 of the Criminal Code protects the right of a parent or teacher to use "force by way of correction".   That section is commonly known as...

Education, History and Culture: Who Benefits? Who Leads?

“Education should form the Character.”      -- John Dewey “When The People are taught what is best, then they can rule themselves.”                                                                    -- Thomas Paine By Charles Jeanes Good lessons make good people If there is one thing that characterizes the passage from a...

LETTER: What is the delay in investigation of officer-involved shooting of Waylon Edey

Ed. Note: To read the answers offered by the Independent Investigations Office regarding many of the questions posed below, click here). On the evening of Jan. 30, 2015, Waylon Jesse Edey, of Yahk, B.C. was shot dead by an RCMP Officer, during an “attempted traffic stop”, which took place on the Kinnaird Bridge, near Castlegar,...

LETTER: Community support may win Castlegar resident international recognition

Ed. Note: The Source only heard of Krystal yesterday when she messaged me (the editor) on Facebook about her endeavours. As I see our role as sharing unique success stories and neat Castlegar-based efforts, I was only too happy to share Krystal's message. It was incredibly fun to watch Source readers respond with 61 comments...

A Fishy Columbia River Treaty Situation

Since 2005, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has researched and explored the natural and human history of the rivers of the upper Columbia River Basin.  She speaks frequently at conferences and symposia throughout the Basin on the history of the Columbia River Treaty and its effects on Basin residents.  She has recently completed a...


This column is not meant to be a book review, but a review of what others have written helps us understand where we are and what the future may bring. Historian Arthur R. M. Lower, in Colony to Nation (1957), characterized Robert Baldwin (1804-1858) as being “too cold, too correct, too consistent, and like Aristides, too just...

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