

COLUMN: On the intelligence of other species -- such as bees

The more we learn about other species, the more our human-centric attitudes are challenged Up until about 400 years ago, it was widely accepted that Earth was at the centre of the universe, and everything revolved around it. When scientist Galileo Galilei challenged this “geocentric” view — confirming Nicolaus Copernicus’s ...

COLUMN: Human consciousness, under construction -- PART THREE

Doing Good, Becoming Better, Following Leaders Reading Parts One and Two of Arc #185 published previously, would benefit a reader for an understanding of what follows. In Part One, I described my youthful dreams, the egalitarian aspirations that humans have not managed to realize, and in Part Two, I raised questions of leaders...

COLUMN: Who pays the hidden, exhorbitant costs of fossil fuels

Support for oil and gas projects is often justified on economic grounds: they fuel the economy and create jobs. But do those arguments hold up? Even leaving aside the enormous costs of climate-related disasters such as flooding, drought and increasing water scarcity, and pollution-related health impacts and premature deaths,...

COLUMN: The benefits of decisive action on climate change

Decisive climate action will bring a healthier, more prosperous future There’s no shortage of available, affordable solutions to avoid the worst impacts of a changing climate — and more are being developed every day. Employing them will also bring many other benefits. But with the world rapidly heading toward the threshold ...

DriveSmartBC: We Are Not Serious About Road Safety

I learned this week that Canadians are considered to rank 42nd out of 50 countries based on how good they are to drive in. This disappointed me until I sat back and thought about it a bit. Based on a bit of self examination and what I see happen around me when I drive I think that I have to say that we are not serious about...

COLUMN: Part Two -- Human consciousness, under construction?

Part Two   Summary introduction from part one: I began with an opinion and a lament: my dream of a better human world as I recall my optimism in 1970 was proven false in the succeeding decades. Are humans getting better, worse, or not changing much, as you read the historical record? (Of course, I have no idea what you read...

Editorial: Alzheimer's Disease and other upsetting realities

What’s in a name?  A contentious sign of the times Alzheimer’s is, especially for older people like me, a frightening possibility.  Most of us know people, some of them close and cherished, who have been altered by the disease and died from it.  Some of us don’t like to be reminded of it. Many decades ago,  locals enjoyed...

MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy newsletter

Dear Neighbours, Friends and Community Members, People from across the country and around the world are moving to B.C. because of our strong economy, high standard of living, and wealth of opportunity. B.C. is growing, and while this means great things for our province, it also means more pressure on our local infrastructure....

OPINION: Rewarding destroyers, punishing defenders

As of early February, police have “made more than 90 arrests and dozens of detentions” to facilitate construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline in northern B.C., “running up a taxpayer tab of more than $25 million,” according to the Narwhal. François Poirier, President and CEO of TC Energy, which owns the project, was...

COLUMN: Part One -- Human Consciousness, Under Construction

Human Consciousness, under construction: Doing Good, Becoming Better, Following Leaders I fought in the old Revolution on the side of the ghost and the king. Of course, I was very young And I thought that we were winning. I can’t pretend I feel very much like singing As they carry the bodies away.        -- Leonard Cohen, The...

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