

LETTER: Resident offers a proposal to council/union

Nov 25., 2014 Dear Mayor Chernoff and Council, This Open Letter proposes a human-to-human way to break the labour dispute impasse that -- to put it mildly -- is negatively affecting all our citizens in a number of ways, and not just in practical terms. How about all councillors get together with all of the City's striking...

Minimizing Those Colds and Flus over the Holiday Season

The common cold is usually an acute (short-term) viral infection of the upper respiratory tract.  It usually starts with a runny nose, sore throat and a feeling of low energy or weakness.  It may or may not have an accompanying cough that is usually dry or irritating.            Over the next 5 weeks we often over-eat many ...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: The column no one wants to read

I believe that true faith, no matter the stripe, is the most beautiful, miraculous thing a person can be given. And I believe it comes through questioning and soul-searching and observation. I believe that the ugliest thing ever visited upon humanity is blind faith. No questioning, no use of our God-given gift of discernment,...

COMMENT: CUPE looks for alternate venue for Winterfest

The following is a press release issued by CUPE local 2262: We all love Winterfest and your Castlegar city workers know that it's an important annual community event. Unfortunately, the unresolved labour dispute with the City of Castlegar would put the usual ceremony behind a legal picket line. Given this, CUPE Local 2262 is...

COMMENT: Remembrance Day and different versions of respect for those who died

This year I was at the Nelson cenotaph for my tenth consecutive appearance with a placard promoting peace and questioning government war policies; I was physically threatened. I have been doing this for 10 years, since 2005, when our Afghan Mission got bloodier. This was the first time someone tried to grab hold of my sign,...

Listen up, Horatio*

  “Sometimes the light’s just shinin’ on me, Other times I can barely see.”                  -- Grateful Dead, Truckin’    The Greatness of Historical Leaders: Men and their Moments.   Have you ever wondered at the sheer good luck some of the so-called “Great Men of History” have enjoyed? Have you noticed how sometimes the ...

CUPE to picket Winterfest

Ed. Note: This is a press release issued by CUPE via Marketwire: With the ongoing labour dispute and the City's refusal to bargain, CUPE city workers will be maintaining picket lines during Winterfest, including the planned tree lighting on December 5. CUPE 2262 president Leford Lafayette said that members regret that they ...

Stop Making It Worse

We must cease making large, long-term capital investments in new fossil fuel infrastructure that “locks in” dangerous emission levels for many decades.                                                                                      – The Keystone Principle What we do matters. That belief motivates each of us every morning...

5 IDEAS IN 5 DAYS, THURSDAY: Koombayah. How we can better cooperate with our neighbouring communities, save money and increase services

To switch things up tonight, and keep it interesting (are you still reading these long daily posts?), let’s start the fourth idea in five day with a song lyric. “The sun went down on the Macdonald Bridge, I found you carrots in my fridge,” – Old Man Luedeke. As you likely know, I spent the first 18 years of my life in Nova ...

5 IDEAS IN 5 DAYS, TUESDAY: Let’s get together and drive traffic and business downtown

Think of the times when Rossland has most felt alive, and at its best. Did it involve drinking a beer while packed in with a bunch of friends at the ice bar, while watching the rail jam, a band or DJ? Did it happen on the side of a bobsled course? Maybe it was chatting with friends, while picking up fresh fruits and veggies...

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