

Thoughts on Power-seekers, War, and Foreign Policy

Arc of the Cognizant LXXXVII The Wind’s Four Quarters “History does not repeat itself. But it rhymes.”  Mark Twain “History does not repeat itself. People do.”     Voltaire By Charles Jeanes Politics, War, Police, Leadership. The winds of current concern have blown me in four topic directions, not all of them related but each...

Council Wants Your Views: Letter from the Mayor

Hello Rosslanders! Council invites you to share your thoughts on the City of Rossland’s spending for 2015. We have a challenge and we want your help. Council is working with Thoughtexchange as an innovative way to get public engagement. Follow this link to share your thoughts about our financial plan:...

Omnibus Bills: A Threat to Democracy

Omnibus Bills Leadership, the economy, and the reliable stand-by issue of taxation are the issues political parties will likely focus on in the coming federal election. These are undoubtedly serviceable election campaign targets, but the question that ought to rank foremost in the mind of citizens concerns the ever expanding...

LETTER: Open Letter to Grand Forks Mayor Frank Konrad and GF City Council

To Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Forks, I write you today as a concerned citizen of this amazing City. I am compelled to write to you about some concerns I and many other citizens have arising from the Regular City Council meeting this past Monday January 12th, 2015.  I was unable to attend the meeting in person but...

Confusing Fact with Fiction:

History in Hollywood and Literature “Keep away old man, you won’t fool me -- you and your History won’t rule me.”                                        --The Who, Slip Kid “You can run out your Rules – but you won’t outrun the History Train.”                                     -- Paul Simon, Peace like a river By Charles ...

Taxes and The Common Good: Thank You, Neighbours.

The day we were hit by the season’s worst (so far) snow storm was also the day I received my property assessment notice. I would have been delighted by the gain in our property’s value had it not been for the warning that it “will likely result in a tax increase in 2015”. It was no consolation that I did not have to trudge ...

River Talks — The Big Thirst

Since 2005, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has researched and explored the natural and human history of the rivers of the upper Columbia River Basin.  She speaks frequently at conferences and symposia throughout the Basin on the history of the Columbia River Treaty and its effects on Basin residents.  She has recently completed a...

The Meaning of Money

Arc of the Cognizant LXXXIV The Wolf of Wall St., The New York Times, and Joni “Keep your hands off of my stack, Jack.”   - Pink Floyd, Money “Money is an agreement. It doesn’t have any value at all, by itself.” -      Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics “Money can’t buy me Love.”                  - The Beatles By Charles ...

LETTER: 70-yr-old patient to sleep in car to get medical care

Dear Editor, I’m writing this because I am just livid.My neighbour is 70 years old. She has suffered a stroke, has had two heart attacks, and multiple surgeries on her pancreas. She is not in good health, to say the least. Doesn't stop her though, she was out shoveling snow yesterday! She is leaving tomorrow for surgery on ...

A Bitter Election Coming?

  I suspect that the federal election the country will experience this year will be unlike anything we have seen before. Passion and controversy are not strangers to Canadian elections, but I fear that the bitterness we will witness in our next federal election will be without precedent.  Attack ads are likely to proliferate,...

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