

Trail man arrested with child porn

A 31-year-old Trail man has been arrested for possession of child pornography, according to RCMP Sgt. Darryl Little. "On January 23, police officers of the Crime Reduction Unit and Trail Detachment GIS Section executed a search warrant for the Possession of Child Pornography at a residence in Trail," Little said in a press ...

Man waving 'gun' in downtown Trail sent to hospital

Reports of a man waving a handgun around in a Trail intersection Tuesday ended in a high risk arrest in the city's downtown core, according to RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson.   "On Jan. 21, at 10:54 a.m., the Trail and Greater District RCMP received a call for service reporting a male in the area of Bay Avenue and Victoria Street...

UPDATED: Police request public help in nabbing suspect after series of break-and-enters between Castlegar and Nelson

Police are appealing for public information after four businesses were broken into last night and into the wee hours of this morning. Thirsty Duck owner Carol Millar said the alarm at her restaurant went off at about 1:50 a.m. "They broke the front door, then broke my office door, as well as breaking the ATM and stealing the...

2013 saw nine fatalities on local roads

Nine people died on regional roads last year and police are urging residents to drive safely, according to RCMP Cpl. John Ferguson. "In 2013, the West Kootenay Traffic Services and West Kootenay Integrated Road Safety Unit had a very busy year," Ferguson said. "We unfortunately had nine fatalities in the area. Of these nine...

Slocan Lake RCMP investigate fire to one of its vehicles

Slocan Lake RCMP is investigating a suspicious fire to one of its police cruisers prior to the Christmas holiday season. Police responded to a report police that a vehicle was on fire in front of the Slocan Lake RCMP Detachment in New Denver in the early hours of (Thursday) December 19. When officers arrived shortly after...

RCMP traffic officers seize more than $60,000 in cash

The New Year brought in more than $60,000 in cash to the Southeast District Traffic Services during a trio of routine traffic stops. RCMP traffic officers were alerted to two vehicles due to speeding. The first stop happened January 3 (Thursday) on Highway 5 south of vehicle Clearwater. The vehicle was sailing along doing 136...

It makes you want to cry! Highway 1 accident spills cargo of pulp and wine all over road

The good news is no one was hurt in the accident. The bad news, a truck load of wine is now history. Highway 1, two kilometers west of Hope, was shut down for more than ten hours after two semis collided Wednesday night, spilling cargos of pulp and wine all over the highway.   The accident happened at approximately 9 p.m....

RCMP send warning regarding handling gifts such as paintball guns

Last month, the report of two males wearing all camouflage gear and carrying a rifle in Port Coquitlam met with a robust police response. It also prompted a lockdown at a nearby school. The males were tracked down moments later, the rifle was located and seized, and it turned out to be a paintball rifle. While there is nothing...

RCMP report skiers safe after spending night in backcountry near Whitewater Ski Resort

Nelson RCMP report a couple are safe following an unexpected overnight stay in the backcountry near the Whitewater Ski Resort south of Nelson. RCMP received the call at 8:22 p.m. Saturday that two skiers were reported missing following a trek into the Evening Ridge/Hummingbird Pass near the resort. Nelson Search and Rescue ...

RCMP halt crime spree in Lower Mainland

Around 6 p.m. Jan. 5, the Richmond RCMP responded to a collision on Highway 99. Allegedly, the driver of one of the vehicles involved in the collision ran to a nearby home where he stabbed a resident and stole the resident’s car. The same night, at around 7 p.m., a man was withdrawing money from the automated teller machine...

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