

Financial Plan for 2016 to 2020: The City Wants Your Responses

Rossland  is inviting taxpayers to a Public Input Session on April 13, at the Ross Thompson Ballroom at the Prestige Mountain Resort,  to tell the City what we all think of the proposed Financial Plan.  If readers have been following the "Council Matters" reports, they will already have that event in mind;  now, the City asks...


The event was well-attended.  Mayor Moore and our Member of Parliament Richard Cannings were there, and Council members John Greene and Andrew Zwicker, and a good crowd of Rossland's other famously engaged citizens  attended to view and discuss the displays created  by Selkirk College students.  The students were there too,...

Selkirk College Co-Op Program Puts Education to Work

Selkirk College is joining institutions across Canada in celebrating Co-operative Education Week March 14 to 18, marking a tradition more than two decades old at the local post-secondary school. “The Co-op Education Program at Selkirk College is over 25 years of age,” says Brenda Smith, Manager of Co-op Education and Employment...

Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute research shows dramatic disparity between male and female earnings in the region

In honour of International Women's Day, we are taking a look at gender-based differences in Columbia Basin-Boundary incomes.  Pre-tax income distribution is an indicator of the earning opportunities and potential within our society.  Examining the differences in the distribution of income between males and females sheds light...

FortisBC receives approval to build new Kootenay facility in Castlegar

FortisBC said in a media release the company has received regulatory approval from the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to build a new Kootenay Operations Centre in Castlegar, B.C. and will begin construction as early as May. Once complete, the new facility will centralize many key operations to better serve electricity customers...

City Crews Repair Leaking Water Pipes, Rusted Valves on Spokane Street

 By:  Hanne Smith Repairs to the water pipe under Spokane Street were completed on Wednesday Feb 24,  one week after the initial break was discovered.    On Thursday Feb 18, a break was discovered in the Spokane Street water pipe, located on the steep section of Spokane  between 1st and 2nd Avenues.  City workers made temporary...

IHA wrings out Nelson laundry service and prepares to cut 29 jobs in the city

The fate of Kootenay Lake Hospital’s laundry services has all come out in the wash. On Tuesday afternoon the Interior Health Authority (IHA) has elected to contract out hospital laundry services for Nelson and four other communities, meaning 29 job losses in the city. Interior Health’s board of directors and the health authority...

Teck Trail Operations Assessed Penalty

Teck Metals Ltd. (Teck) has been assessed a penalty in relation to five charges under the Fisheries and Environmental Management Acts relating to incidents at Teck Trail Operations between November 2013 and February 2015. A portion of the penalty will be designated for local environmental conservation funds. The charges relate...

OPINION: BC Budget Critique; How Does BC Compare?

Petty. One word that springs to mind after last week's B.C. budget. At best, it's a lip service budget. Tweak here, tweak there, but devoid of any real purpose. To be sure, some were tossed a chicken wing. But you can almost hear the minions in the backroom: “just make sure it doesn't cost us anything, the rubes will never ...

Want Lower Property Taxes? So What do You Want to Give Up? The Arena? Get Ready to Speak Up.

Recreation alone eats up 20% of Rossland's annual expenses. The City has options to consider for keeping taxes from rising too fast, but there are residents who won't like them.  Some people will be fine with one option, while  others will object loudly -- and perhaps  move away.  How can the City keep taxes to acceptable...

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