

Editorial: Time to go back to reusable bags, please – with precautions

On June 22, 2020, over 100 health experts from around the world issued a statement about the relative safety of reusables compared with single-use plastics, cups, and so on, with regard to transmitting COVID-19.  Their statement can be found here; in it, they state, “Based on the best available science and guidance from public...

Stay, shop, eat, bank -- 'Embrace Local'

During the pandemic, Rosslanders have proven that as a community, helping is at our heart. Our local branch of the Nelson and District Credit Union (NDCU) is part of that, and is urging people to support local businesses, to ensure they thrive during these unprecedented times. Being an active part of our communities keeps us...

IDEAS: The day is dawning on a four-day work week

By Karen foster, for The Conversation Like any crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to rethink how we do things. As we near the 100-day mark since the pandemic was declared, one area getting a significant attention is the workplace, where a window is opening for good ideas to move from the fringes to the mainstream....

Letter: Let's not lose more wilderness to development

To The Editor: The BC Government Mountain Resorts Branch has recently received an expression of interest (EOI) for a new ski resort development (Zincton Expression of Interest) from Brent Harley and Associates Inc. and are requesting feedback from the public. The British Columbia Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BCBHA) have...

Column: 'Normal' won't do it

After months of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many people just want to get back to “normal.” We will overcome this crisis. But “normal” means continued climate disruption and species extinction, growing inequalities, increasing pollution and health risks and the possibility of further new disease outbreaks. We...

Mercer announces 30 days downtime at its Celgar mill

In a press release Friday, Mercer indicated there will be a month of downtime this summer, over an above its annual shutdown. The press release reads as follows: "Mercer International Inc. (“Mercer”) (Nasdaq: MERC) reports that its Celgar mill, in addition to regularly planned maintenance downtime of five days, will be taking...

How many cannabis retailers for Rossland?

How many cannabis retailers does Rossland want? At Tuesday’s meeting of Rossland City Council, an application to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Board, seeking permission to open a non-medical cannabis  retail store, was on the agenda. The application will not be considered by the Board without a favourable recommendation...

Op/Ed: Private gain must no longer be allowed to elbow out the public good

By Dirk Philipsen; first published in Aeon Adam Smith had an elegant idea when addressing the notorious difficulty that humans face in trying to be smart, efficient and moral. In The Wealth of Nations (1776), he maintained that the baker bakes bread not out of benevolence, but out of self-interest. No doubt, public benefits...

In-depth: Wildfires, deforestation and flooding

 Water-repellent forest floors, soil erosion and a lack of tree cover all influence how snowpack melts in the spring By Natalia Balcerzak, Local Journalism Initiative reporter for The Narwhal The arrival of spring brought a surge of warm weather to Williams Lake, in the Cariboo region of B.C., and with it a rush of...

Time to end profit-making in seniors’ care

By Andrew Longhurst  and Kendra Strauss, from “Policy Notes” via the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives The coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on serious problems in Canada’s seniors’ care system, as nursing homes quickly became the epicenters of the outbreak. These problems are not only due to the greater vulnerability...

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