

Climate: Proforestation vs. more old-growth logging

Researchers say "proforestation" policies are the fastest and most effective way to draw excess CO2 out of the atmosphere. By Kate S. Petersen for Environmental Health News HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, Mass.—Bob Leverett walked away from the trunk, looking up through the canopy, trying to get eyes on the crown. He crushed...

Opinion: Worried about earth’s future? The outlook is worse than even scientists can grasp

By Corey A. Bradshaw, Daniel T. Blumstein, and Paul Ehrlich, for The Conversation Anyone with even a passing interest in the global environment knows all is not well. But just how bad is the situation? Our new paper shows the outlook for life on Earth is more dire than is generally understood. The research published...

2020 was quite a year -- with some good things in the works

A surprising thing happened at The Narwhal during the very-bad-not-at-all-good year of 2020: we wrote more good news and solutions-focused stories than ever before By Carol Linnet, for The Narwhal You don’t need me to tell you what the seven years of 2020 have been like.  But if the pandemic has revealed anything...

Opinion: Women in the workforce

With the Throne Speech promise of an Action Plan for Women in the Economy, the federal government committed to ensuring an intersectional feminist response to economic recovery from the pandemic.   This week, prominent gender justice advocates from the Canadian Women’s Foundation, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,...

Businesses on the brink

Better Life Fitness in Rossland is one of many businesses that have suffered dramatic losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Will these businesses survive to serve residents once the pandemic has passed – however long that may take?  And what can residents do to help ensure their survival – at least, those residents who haven’t...

Opinion: From a tough year, a tremendous amount of hope

By Chris Gusen 2020 was tough. But, as we look back on the past year, it also brings us a tremendous amount of hope. Seeing how the world mobilized to fight COVID-19 gave us a glimpse of what might be possible if our elected officials treated the climate emergency just as seriously. As we rest up and prepare to continue our...

Opinion: A business case for Trans Mountain expansion? A close look at the data

By David Huntley; republished with permission from Watershed Sentinel The Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline is being built to transport Alberta’s diluted bitumen to tidewater and then by tanker to overseas markets. In 2011, the National Energy Board gave Trans Mountain priority access for 79,000 barrels of oil per day...

Column: From the Hill -- CERB injustices

In the middle of the pandemic’s second wave and with the holidays fast approaching, many Canadians are still struggling to figure out how they’ll get through these tough times. Last week we saw two examples of how the government’s priorities are hurting many low-income, self-employed Canadians while letting large corporations...

A blockade to protect rare old-growth forest

Old-growth forest in BC with large, old, large trees is becoming rare; according to an independent study released in June, 2020, there is a much smaller amount remaining of the old-growth forest that contains large, old trees than the BC government admits.  “We’re talking a tiny fraction of a fraction....

Op/Ed: Gentle medicine could radically reform medical practice

By Jacob Stegenga, in aeon magazine Numerous criticisms of medical science have been articulated in recent years. Some critics argue that spurious disease categories are being invented, and existing disease categories expanded, for the aim of profit. Others say that the benefits of most new drugs are minimal and typically...

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