

Nelson and area set to win in Waneta expansion

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Nelson is guaranteed a share in the over 400 new jobs created in the Waneta Dam expansion on the Pend d’Oreille River, says the Columbia Basin Trust’s vice president of investments.Johnny Strilaeff said a prescription is in place to ensure that 85 per cent of the new jobs will come from ...

From sandbox to career these Rosslanders play in the dirt professionally

I’m often struck by how much parents read into the activities of their children, specifically what their kids’ toddler or adolescent interests and aptitudes might suggest they will eventually gravitate to professionally.   “Yep, he just sits there in the sandbox with his Tonka trucks for hours, moving dirt from one side to ...

Regional approach to economic development possible first step towards amalgamation

There’s a new group in town that is now officially off and running on a mission to inject new life into the economic picture of this area and their plan of doing it on a region wide basis could be the initial building block towards a regional municipality.   We can now add another acronym to our lexicon with the launch of the...

Heavy Metal Afternoon: Touring Teck’s Lead Smelting Operation

One of the drawbacks of living in Rossland is that there is absolutely no heavy metal scene around here. Oh, what I would do to be able to attend the gigs of some of my favourite Euro-metal bands without having to travel to Vancouver and Calgary! And even then the stuff I want to see is so obscure they don’t often come to...

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