

BC teacher includes Boundary in protest marathon across the province

North Vancouver primary teacher Ian Cunliffe spent the past weekend running through the Boundary as part of his 22 Marathons Against Bill 22 campaign across B.C. He is running the width of the province over 22 days as a public protest against Bill 22, which was recently introduced in the provincial legislature in response to […]

Black bear statistics show crunch is yet to come

Statistics from the Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline suggest that the fall glut of bears is yet to come despite a recent lull in the Rossland-Trail area. The graphs below are assembled from BearAware's provincial facebook page and show 2011 (red) and 2012 (green) statistics for black bear sightings in various...

Digging into life

Sometimes, when I stand in front of others and relate my journey, I begin with my family and the communities I've lived in, and I recount a partial history of the jobs I've held. Sometimes I relive relationships I've had. Once in a long while I'll tell the story of the time I was buried alive up in Pass Creek in '98. Despite...

COMMENT: A potpourri of points-of-view at a liberally spiced political potluck

MP Alex Atamanenko and his wife Ann joined more than 20 Rosslanders for a potluck on Tuesday evening to discuss Canada under the current Conservative leadership and the strategies concerned Canadians can use to turn our nation in a different (i.e. better, brighter) direction. Andy Morel's house was abuzz with moose burgers,...

MP Alex Atamanenko slams the Conservative corporate agenda at Rossland potluck, encourages action

After a potluck dinner at Andy Morel's house in Rossland on Tuesday—and after the diners had each expressed their concerns about the current Conservative leadership in Ottawa and Canada's lurch to the right—MP Alex Atamanenko offered some of his observations and experiences. "Thanks for all the food!" Atamanenko began, before...

COMMENT: Dead bears, nature-illiterate moderns, and the knapweed bloom

Our report last week on “Li’l Cinnamon”—the black bear runt who’d learned to forage in human property and so was caught and killed by conservation officers—generated a lot of interesting discussion. Les Anderson’s comments struck a particularly harmonious chord for me: “Humans have no understanding of wild animals whatsoever,” he wrote, “so they turn to […]

Citizen input for Federal Budget 2013

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance has launched its annual pre-budget consultation process, which will result in a report to be tabled in the House of Commons prior to the December 2012 parliamentary break. This year, the pre-budget consultation process will take a slightly different form: online submission of answers to specific questions […]

MP Alex Atamanenko to attend a "potluck for democracy" in Rossland on Tuesday

Do you feel Canadians are being led down the proverbial garden path by our federal government? Do you wish there were some way you could have more influence on Ottawa's decisions? And what's all this about moving our riding boundaries? Rossland politicos, mark down July 31, 6 p.m., for a "food for thought" potluck with our ...

Celebrating the West Kootenay Spirit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The quadrennial Spirit of Innovation Awards are on again and KAST—the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology, the award organizers—want nominations for individuals, organizations, and businesses whose hard work exemplifies West Kootenay innovation and entrepreneurship.“The innovation, intellectual capital, and...

"Complacency is not an option"—Attainable Housing Committee presents findings that demand action

The times they are a-changing and housing in the Lower Columbia region needs to meet new demands on several levels, Attainable Housing Committee (AHC) chairperson Janet Morton told Rossland's council on July 16. Last year the AHC—a committee of the LCCDT (Lower Columbia Community Development Team)—hired consultant Matt Thomson...

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