

Complaint Filed Against Climate Change Denier Groups

Six leading Canadians are calling on the Commissioner of Competition to investigate false and misleading representations made by climate change denier groups, such as Friends of Science.  One example of the claims being complained of  is shown above, on a billboard.  Canada’s Competition Act prohibits the making of materially...

COLUMN: COP21: Hope for Humanity

by David Suzuki With world leaders now meeting in Paris for the UN Climate Change Conference, we’re seeing signs of hope for an agreement to limit the escalating effects of global warming.  Canadians, especially, have reason to be optimistic about our country’s role. It hasn’t always been this way.  Governments have been...

A Plea on Climate Change

While large numbers of Rosslanders (and others) found comfort in the sunshine on Sunday by skiing on the Blackjack trails, and doing just about everything -- skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and fat-bike riding -- up around Nancy  Greene Pass, a crowd of about 200 Rosslanders gathered downtown in the winter fog-gloom, outside the...

This Changes Everything

“This Changes Everything“ will show on Sunday, December 6, at the Rossland Miners Hall.  Come at 7:00 pm.    There will be sock puppets!  Based on Naomi Klein's bestselling book  by the same title, the film This Changes Everything is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change.  Shot over 211 days in ...

About That New Water Act: What We Still Need

Rossland had a fairly dry summer in 2015,  with watering restrictions imposed in additon to our water metering.  Now that rain has returned, our reservoirs are filling up again, and there is even enough water  that snow-making operations are well under way on Red Mountain.  We can all breathe a sigh of relief -- for now. This...

OP/ED: Protect water sources from free ranging cattle

Newsletter... I am sharing a few pictures that represent a typical water/grassland scene on the Gipin Grasslands. The pictures showcase the largest tributary to Morrissey Creek before the creek drops into a canyon and an adjacent meadow that was the site of a recent forest thinning burn. Morrissey Creek watershed is one of ...

Council Pulls the Plug on Rapid Rate Changes

Council has decided to pull the plug on the proposed changes to its water and sewer rate structures in time for a January 1st rate change.  The proposed changes to Rossland’s water and sewer rate structure, now out for consultations, had problems Council identified even before they splashed out and asked for citizen input. ...

Pedestrian Struck and Injured by Uninsured Driver

It was nearly 9:30 in the morning on October 26, 2015,  when a Canada Post employee was crossing Victoria Street in Trail on a green light.  A pick-up truck turning left onto Cedar Avenue struck and injured her; she was taken by ambulance to the hospital.   The driver of the truck has been charged with failing to yield to a...

Kootenay Artists Want to Stop Trophy Hunting of Grizzlies

Many people became familiar with photographer Jim Lawrence’s image of the grizzly bear standing on its hind legs and looking through a camera, when it went viral and caught the attention of the press.  “The photo is like the poster child for a stop the trophy hunt of grizzly bears campaign,” says filmmaker Miriam Needoba whose...

Ask City Council Your Questions about Upcoming Changes to Water and Sewer Rates

Editor's Note:   The City of Rossland has issued a press release inviting citizen queries about the proposed new water and sewer rate schedule.  Your editor strongly advises you to check it out, as there will be increases, and some of them will be significant.  There will be increases across the board, and people who have not...

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