

OPINION: Paris (should have) changed everything, so why are we still talking pipelines?

By David Suzuki With the December Paris climate agreement, leaders and experts from around the world showed they overwhelmingly accept that human-caused climate change is real and, because the world has continued to increase fossil fuel use, the need to curb and reduce emissions is urgent. In light of this, I don’t get the ...

OPINION: Food Fights in our Future?

Food from "away": It's becoming common knowledge that most of the food we eat here in BC comes from other places:  rice from Asia or California, oranges and orange juice from Florida, Texas or California, vegetables and almonds mostly from California, wheat and other grains from the prairies,  and convenience foods -- prepared...

Missing Indigenous Women Inquiry

Right up to the last federal election the Canadian government held firm to the position that an inquiry on the subject of missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada was not needed.  The government believed that the problem could be dealt with by way of criminal justice reforms.  Criminal justice incorporates law enforcement,...

More Grant Applications Needed -- For Community Economic Development

A local group has spent more than half of $600,000 allocated to meet community needs in the Lower Columbia, but is still looking for more economic development projects to support. Economic and tourism development were identified as the top community priorities during extensive public consultations last year by the Community...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: What’s next for the Kettle River Watershed?

In the last column I reviewed a few of the main activities and initiatives of 2015 for the Kettle River Watershed Management Plan. Today I want to look ahead to 2016, sharing a few of the priorities in the Plan that our Steering Committee and Advisory Group are committed to achieving. On November 19 we held a second meeting...

COLUMN: Canada is Back? Not Until Taxation is Truly Fair

Justin Trudeau is fond of saying "Canada is back," and in some genuinely gratifying ways it seems to be the case.  But by far the most important and substantive evidence for this claim is still missing: an indication that the new government is willing to seriously address the issue that a genuine return to normal rests upon. ...

OPINIONS: Differing Views on the Paris Climate Agreement

On the positive side, in a spirit of optimism, we have this report  from  "Tree Alerts": "195 countries reached across traditional divides today to unite behind the greatest moral challenge of our time and seal the deal on a historic climate accord.  The Paris Agreement is an inclusive, ambitious, science-based deal that...

Sock Puppets Explain Climate Change

Local climate change sock puppet experts, with the help of their colleagues Aaron Cosbey & Rachael Roussin, presented a lively overview of the global and local effects of climate change to a crowd of 90 people at the Miners Hall last Sunday. "Sock-rateez" warned Rosslanders that we can expect to see hotter, dryer summers...

Growing Food and Rossland's Economy

There is an exciting movement happening in Rossland. It’s even visible from space…well, from planes and Google Earth at least.  It’s a movement that was critical to Rossland’s survival in the early years, went out of fashion for the better part of a century and is now re-emerging as an important part of our future.  A group...

COLUMN: I Think, And My MInd Sprouts New Stems

 “Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle for where we’re going…”                                                                    -- Neil Young, Candle in the Dark “We are stupid, fickle beings with feeble memories… But who knows? Maybe this time we will not forget what has happened, we will learn from it…”...

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