Sock Puppets Explain Climate Change
Local climate change sock puppet experts, with the help of their colleagues Aaron Cosbey & Rachael Roussin, presented a lively overview of the global and local effects of climate change to a crowd of 90 people at the Miners Hall last Sunday.
“Sock-rateez” warned Rosslanders that we can expect to see hotter, dryer summers and warmer, wetter winters, which will mean increased risk of wildfires and more winter rain. When asked what individuals can do to reduce the effects of climate change, sock puppet Spiritual Guru advised the audience to “Eat less meat, stop flying around and driving so much, and buy less.”
A screening of the inspiring climate change film “This Changes Everything” followed the presentation. The film showcased communities from around the globe who were standing up to big government and big industry; inspiring stories of many citizen groups who were fighting to stop the sacrifice of local ecosystems – and to stop the advance of global warming — at the hands of unchecked and unsustainable development.
The climate change evening was presented by the Rossland Sustainability Commission with the support of the Columbia Basin Trust and the City of Rossland. Donations at the door brought in $240 and 65 pounds of food for the Rossland Food Bank.