

Provincial Election: The Writs are Issued

VICTORIA– The writs have been issued for British Columbia’s 41st Provincial General Election. “Eligible voters can vote from now until the polls close on General Voting Day,” said Keith Archer, Chief Electoral Officer. “B.C. has the most accessible voting system in Canada, and we encourage all eligible voters to cast a ballot.”

COLUMN: The moral way to distribute social wealth -- Part One

Capitalists,Liberals, Nationalists, Intellectuals News about money We have been treated to the spectacle this month of a half-dozen Bombardier executives planning to split 32 million dollars among themselves as bonuses, at the same time as the corporation has announced it is about to lay off 14, 000 workers worldwide. It was...

Report: Government oversight compromised?

A report released recently by Evidence for Democracy shows that resource capacity and scientific independence are the most pressing scientific integrity issues within the BC government. "Evidence-based decision-making" has become the mantra of governments, but without good evidence, it's a difficult promise to deliver. Without...

COLUMN: Oceans and Life

The federal government recently created two marine protected areas in the Pacific region and has committed to increase ocean protection from one per cent to 10 by 2020. But will this be enough? Canada has the longest coastline of any nation, but our country doesn’t end at its ocean shores. With a 200-nautical-mile economic ...

Caribou, Logging, Wolves and Corporate Donors

What poses the greatest hazard to BC's endangered Southern Mountain Caribou -- habitat loss, wolves, or corporate donors?  Or are all three of those factors linked, and if so, how? This opinion piece is from DeSmog Canada.  Read and contemplate. The B.C. government is granting logging permits in critical caribou...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Why RCMP Morale is Declining

Over the past month I have visited most of the RCMP detachments in South Okanagan-West Kootenay.  While the conversations covered some of the obvious law and order issues such as marijuana legalization, rising levels of property crime and staffing levels for highway patrol, I was surprised that one issue dominated most of my...

The Power of Chocolate

Chocoholics:  Is it possible to know enough about chocolate? What do we need to know, except that it tastes wonderful?  Worldwatch Institute writer Gaelle Gourmelon discusses chocolate's history and the social and ecological impacts of the way it is grown, and how all of us chocoholics can help to improve matters...

COLUMN: Amazing Advances in Technology

If you own a smartphone, you have more computing power at your fingertips than NASA scientists had when they put people on the moon in 1969! And it’s in a small device, unlike the massive hardware the space agency used. Technology moves in leaps and bounds. As someone who grew up before home computers, transoceanic phone...

A Forest Park for Rossland? Poverty is expensive; the Benefits Question; BIG grape stompers needed!

Rossland's City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 pm on Monday, March 27, with Mayor Kathy Moore and Councillors Lloyd McLellan, John  Greene, Andy Morel, Marten Kruysse, and Andrew Zwicker present.  Only Aaron  Cosbey was unable to attend. The gallery produced no opinions for the Public Input Period, so ...

Open Letter from Anglican Church to Senator Lynn Beyak

Senator Lynn Beyak's complaint that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) "didn't focus on the good" done by Canada's residential schools has provoked calls for her resignation, and some people wonder how she is qualified to sit on the Senate's Aboriginal Peoples Committee. For any who have not yet read the letter of...

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