

COLUMN: Will the world act on climate change before it's too late?

When our children and grandchildren and those of us still here in 20 years look back to this time, will we say it was when the world finally got serious about the climate crisis? Or will we mark a tragic time when political and business leaders prioritized short-term economic gain over the future of humanity? Listening to...

Letter: Please don't believe the lies.

To The Editor:   Would you vote for a party list without candidates? Of course, you wouldn't, and neither would anybody else. Of course, we will keep local representation under pro rep, and of course nobody will be 'appointed' an MLA unless we vote for them. How dumb do Liberal Party bosses think BC voters are that we would...

What's Not in the Latest Terrifying IPCC Report? The "Much, Much, Much More Terrifying" New Research on Climate Tipping Points

"This is the scariest thing about the IPCC Report — it’s the watered down, consensus version." By Jon Queally, Staff Writer, Common Dreams If the latest warnings contained in Monday's report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—which included pronouncements that the world has less than twelve years to...

Column -- From the Hill: Climate change urgency

Last week I became a grandfather for the first time.  Politicians are fond of talking about what kind of future we will leave our grandchildren, but I can now say that having a grandchild sharpens that perspective dramatically. On Thanksgiving Monday, two news headlines jumped out at me, both dealing with our path to a...

COLUMN: A troubling attitude to extinction of species and the web of life

News that Environment and Climate Change Canada is considering “priority threat management” to assess endangered species is troubling. The method is often used to inform a “triage” approach in which some species are abandoned to focus resources on others ranked higher priority. The federal government is legally required to ...

Editorial Rant: What do you mean, it's not walkable?

At Tuesday evening’s Public Hearing on the re-zoning of the land at 2812 Cedar Crescent in the Pinewood neighbourhood, some of those presenting their concerns kept repeating that the distance to downtown from that location “is unwalkable.” (To  me, the walkability or not was irrelevant to the re-zoning, because it would be ...

COLUMN: Nature Deficit

Renowned biologist Edward O. Wilson says to protect nature, people must regain their innate love for it. That means spending time in nature. While the concepts in Wilson’s book Biophilia have gained widespread acceptance since its publication more than 30 years ago, we’re still facing serious problems based on a lack of...

Electoral Reform: Checking the Facts -- Part Two

Introduction:  Both sides of the Proportional Representation debate have made claims about what the effects of a ProRep system would be.  Here, two Political Science specialists delve into the major claims made about ProRep by both sides. We’ll examine a different claim each week.  This week, we look at...

Op/Ed: What do we have a right to believe? A counter-argument

Having read the challenging piece on May 14, 'You don't have the right to believe whatever you want to', I feel that since the piece was intended to be challenging, perhaps it should be challenged. The basic premise of the text by Professor DeNicola was that some beliefs are too toxic for people to be allowed to hold them. ...

Choose your new City Council! Here are the candidates' answers.

NOTE: This item is still up because more voters may need to read it before the election. Candidates who responded (all but one) have answered nine questions. This year, Rosslanders get to choose who will form our new City Council and shape Rossland for the next four years. Mayor Kathy Moore has been acclaimed, but we have six...

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