

Letter: It's not just about fairness; an Ontario citizen cautions BC voters

So far, most of the discussion about Proportional Representation (PR) has focused on fairness. Without a proportional voting system, there’s no way to make every vote count equally. But there are other reasons to adopt it, arguably as valid: it would bring social and financial stability and cut waste. In elections using...

Column: From the Hill -- the new Elections Modernization Act

This week the House of Commons passed Bill C-76, the Elections Modernization Act, the federal government’s answer to the so-called “Fair Elections Act” that the Conservatives enacted in 2014.  And although I and the rest of the NDP caucus voted in favour of the bill, I would say this bill is “a day late and a dollar short.”...

Rossland Lauded for Knotweed Control Actions

Japanese Knotweed is among the most feared invasive weeds, because of its effects on real estate values, taxes and infrastructure; it is unfortunately able to damage all three – it damages property values merely by being there, raises taxes by increasing municipal costs, and damages infrastructure by invading foundations,...

Canada has some of the world's last wild places. Are we keeping our promise to protect them?

To meet one of its most critical conservation targets by 2020, Canada must protect a massive amount of land — roughly the size of Alberta — over the next year and a half. So where will this protection occur and can it be done in a way that actually benefits biodiversity? By Gloria Dickie, from The Narwhal The world...

Column: War, and sculpting minds with culture

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nuthin.’   -- pop song, 1968 War is the Father of us all.   – Herodotus, Greek historian, 5th C. BCE War is over, if you want it.     – John Lennon Forgive me Lord, I do so love it.  – General Patton, American Army War is the typical normal condition of humanity, not peace.   – James...

COLUMN: Governments just giving up on life on earth?

The U.S. president may think global warming is a hoax perpetrated by China, but his administration has concluded Earth’s average temperature will rise 4 C over pre-industrial levels by 2100 if we fail to address the causes. Overwhelming scientific evidence concludes that such a rise would be catastrophic for humanity and many...

Letter: Confused about proportional representation? Read this.

A key ingredient in any democracy is that people choose their leaders based on their values.  In our current voting system we are often forced to choose between a person or a party or to vote “strategically”. The make-up of the government often doesn’t reflect the popular vote so a party may only get 10% of the seats even if...

Letter: Plus ca change

Plus ça change.....   One hundred years ago, in 1919, William Lyon Mackenzie King proclaimed that 1921 would be the last election held under FPtP. Once elected, he lost his appetite for change, declaring that the Liberal Party was in favour of proportionality, in principle only. A few years later, facing election, King again...

Rossland: Here's our new City Council

Meet your new Rossland City Council. The voting is over, the votes are counted, and we know who our Council members, along with acclaimed Mayor Kathy Moore, will be for the next four years – barring any unforeseen events. The six successful candidates are: Andy Morel Janice Nightingale Chris Bowman Dirk Lewis Stewart Spooner...

Op/Ed: Violence and our children

It’s time to revisit the topic of corporal punishment of children: spanking, swatting, or otherwise hitting a child as punishment or “correction.”  Is it ever acceptable?  There are so many different views, but now we have some new research evidence favouring the totally non-violent approach to child-rearing.   On March 5 of...

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