

City looks to collaborate with province on lowering Columbia Ave. speed limit.

One of the realities for many small cities and towns in rural BC is that often our main streets also function as provincial highways--as is the case with Columbia Street in Rossland. While those highways do bring economic spinoffs in the form of traffic, they also--as Rosslanders well know--bring the less desirable realities...

Lions and Rotarians combine forces for park repairs

At the end of March 2009, the Rossland Telegraph reported on some vandalism incidents at the Lions Club campground that resulted in about $10,000 worth of damages. The roof of the gazebo had its shingles stripped off, as did the roof of the storage area. Also counted amongst the casualties at the well-used campground were the...

Harper, Autocrat

 As tens of millions of Egyptians celebrated their victory over a brutal dictator and began the task of creating democracy, the story from Canada was of democracy going backwards. For five years under Stephen Harper, Canada has been subjected to a systematic erosion of democracy (as I document here). Canada is not Egypt and Harper is […]

Rossland Neighbourhoods of Learning project update

The Rossland Neighbourhoods of Learning committee recently submitted a proposal to the Board of Education for School District # 20. The proposal outlines a vision for changing educational paradigms across the District, and two scenarios for educational configurations in Rossland. It is hoped that this proposal will be considered...

COMMENT: The West Kootenay's Incredible Shrinking Labour Force

Over the last couple of weeks I have heard several comments about a “mini boom” that will result from development projects such as the Waneta Dam, the expansion at Firebird Technologies in Trail, the new casino in Castlegar and some recovery in the forestry sector. Based on B.C. Stats data, we may have a long […]

Rousseau, Nasser and the Egyptian revolution

 In watching the live streaming coverage of the Egyptian revolution on Aljazeera I am awe-struck by the incredible humanity of what is unfolding in that country. I imagine Jean Jacques Rousseau wandering amongst the throngs of people and being equally amazed and delighted. For the character of this uprising, this outpouring of frustration and joy, of kindness […]

QUNFUZ: The Imitator

 picture by Ali Farzat He copies phrases from foreign newspapers into a notebook. Then he copies his notes into a larger notebook with a flag and a band of gold on the front. His mouth imitates the words of the state TV channel, and the words of undead clerics, and the words of puff-eyed men […]

Ready, set, go! Federal spring election under way?

With all the attention focused on the BC Liberals and NDP leadership races, you may not have noticed: the next federal election campaign is already under way.   The vote will take place in late April/early May. The first visible sign were those negative TV ads launched by the federal Tories a couple of weeks […]

ATAMANENKO: Canada-US Security

Over the past few months I have talked to people who have experienced difficulties at the US border.  Often this involves having to leave one’s vehicle and being subjected to intense interrogation.  What has, in the past, been a routine “friendly” crossing has turned into a “negative” interrogation by abusive American border guards. There appear […]

Hennessy's Index: Inequity

$6.6 million The average compensation of Canada’s best-paid 100 CEOs in 2009. (Source) $42,988 The average wage for Canadians working full-time, year-round. (Source) 155 times How much the best-paid 100 CEOs earn more than average wage. (Source) 0 The number of women among the best-paid 100 CEOs in Canada in 2009. (Source) 20th Canada ranks […]

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