

The BC Liberals and the new prison: Same crap, same people, different motives

One should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity, in particular when it comes to politicians and government – case in point, the BC Liberals…As you heard here first, Christy Clark made the announcement yesterday that the Osoyoos Indian Band has been selected as the party who wins the opportunity to host a new ...

IHA offers Castlegarians an apology

An open letter to the community of Castlegar; Interior Health would like to apologize to the residents of Castlegar and area for not properly informing you of the temporary closure of the emergency department last Saturday. Interior Health has contingency plans in place when facing a service interruption like this, which includes notifying community officials, […]

Don’t frack with our water, say majority of Canadians in new poll

The controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as fracking, is facing mounting opposition across the country. A new Environics Research poll commissioned by the Council of Canadians has found that 62% of Canadians support “a moratorium on all fracking for natural gas until all the federal environmental ...

Health organizations launch anti-pesticide campaign

Leading health organizations today launched BC’s first ever anti-pesticide advertising campaign – a major newspaper blitz that urges all British Columbians to support a lawn and garden pesticide ban. Health organizations endorsing the campaign include the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, the...


Rossland CAO Victor Kumar recently responded to Andrew Bennett's emailed questions regarding the process leading to the grant application submitted by the city for a four season pool. The questions and Mr. Kumar’s answers have been re-arranged for readability below:Bennett: The over-riding issue is that a grant was made...

PERSPECTIVE: Mayor Granstrom's take on the swimming pool controversy

On Tuesday, Mayor Greg Granstrom met with Andrew Bennett to discuss the process that led to the swimming pool grant application. The following transcript has been abbreviated to the mayor's answers that directly relate to how the swimming pool grant application was prepared and passed.Granstrom:  By resolution of council we...

PERSPECTIVE: Aaron Cosbey on the Rossland Swimming Pool Society’s past and future

Aaron Cosbey is a member of the Rossland Swimming Pool Society (RSPS) and a director on the pool's board. Currently the RSPS is undergoing a transition in which the society will become a city institution. Andrew Bennett interviewed Cosbey by telephone to find out how this transition was decided upon, how it's taking place, ...

TIMELINE: The history of the swimming pool controversy

September 2011: The Rossland Swimming Pool Society (RSPS) approaches the city to see if the city will take over the society, as detailed by RSPS board member Aaron Cosbey in a recent interview.Oct. 7: A one-liner in the information package to council announces the "healthy communities" grant. It’s tucked in amongst BC Hydro...

Lions campground gazebo left roofless as major contractor skips town

A handshake deal went sour for the Rossland Lions Club last summer when major roofing contractor Flynn Canada Ltd.—which was in town to rebuild the arena roof in 2010 and City Hall's roof in 2011—reneged on an agreement and forced the club to scramble after local contractors and funds instead. Bill Profili of the Lions described...

Stephen Harper and the Big Oil Party of Canada

Where will you be and what will you be doing when the first giant oil tanker, (there will be two plying the waters every three days) carrying over 200,000 gallons of tar sands goop diluted with solvent, spills its load into the pristine waters of the northern BC coast? We often remember catastrophic events by recalling exactly...

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