


The journey from London, UK, firefighter to ownership of Rossland’s newest alternative healing enterprise, Breathing Space Health Solutions, has been inspired by Phil Loosley’s love of the things most residents adore about the Mountain Kingdom: the snow, the skiing, and the great outdoors. But there is also a little bit of ...

Early puberty for US girls raises health risk

 According to a new study, US girls are reaching puberty earlier than ever, a trend that raises some health concerns. The study, which was conducted in New York's East Harlem, the Cincinnati metropolitan area and the San Francisco Bay area, showed that by age eight, 27% of girls had begun puberty and showed breast development....

Flooding devastates millions in Pakistan

The Pakistan Red Crescent Society, which has branches and volunteers across the country, has been helping survivors since the flooding began by delivering food, health services, shelter and relief items (including hygiene kits and cooking equipment).Monsoon rains have caused extensive flash flooding throughout Pakistan, killing...

Mia Farrow, Carole White testify in Charles Taylor's war crimes trial

Actress Mia Farrow and Carole White have testified in former Liberian president Charles Taylor's war crimes trial at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in The Hague, The Netherlands. Farrow and White's testimonies contradict supermodel Naomi Campbell's testimony from last week.White said Campbell was "mildly flirtatious" with...

Pressure mounts against Florida church plans to burn Quran

 A Gainesville, Florida church named the Dove World Outreach Center has drawn international attention to itself with its planned book burning of the Quran. The church urges people to send them copies of the book for burning at a bonfire event to be held on church property this coming September 11. The date marks the ninth...

NEW BUSINESS PROFILE: Mountain Haus brings a choose-your-own-adventure attitude to furniture

Ever been to a furniture store and thought, “if only it was a little smaller, or had a different fabric or was a different colour, this would be perfect for my house.” If you have, then the brand new (just opened this week) Mountain Haus store on Columbia Avenue can help you. Run and operated by Kootenay locals originally...

Where there's smoke there's fire...several hundred kilometers away

 If you like all-day sunsets or the coastal feeling of being shrouded in a fog, then the last few days may have been right up your alley. Rossland has been seeing and breathing the effects of the wildfire season that is now in full swing around the province, with smoke wafting through our valley during the early part of the...

Northern lights may appear across Canada and northern U.S. late Tuesday night

 Forecasters predict that northern lights could be visible to the naked eye late tonight and early tomorrow morning across Canada, northern parts of the U.S., and possibly the United Kingdom.Solar storms caused a large ejection of plasma from the Sun's surface on Sunday, and the plasma...

Rossland Search and Rescue: learning the ropes

 South Columbia SAR and Rossland SAR spent some time this weekend honing their technical rope rescue skills in a variety of locations. Technical rescue skills, such as rope, require constant practice to refine and stay current and efficient. This weekend SAR teams from Rossland and South Columbia did just that. They lowered...

IHA introduces new emergency reponse teams to the region

 Interior Health (IH) is pleased to announce the launch of High Acuity Response Teams (HARTs) this fall that will enhance transport and care needs of acutely ill patients throughout the health region. These teams will consist of highly-trained critical care nurses responding with a BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) basic life support...

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