

Lights, camera action . . . movie Christmas Miracle starts filming in and around locations in Heritage City

by Bruce Fuhr, The Nelson Daily The Heritage City is getting another taste of the motion picture industry as NGN productions began filming its latest project, Christmas Miracle, Sunday in and around the region. “This is a Christmas movie about bunch of people who get stranded in a blizzard on Christmas Eve in a desolate part...

Egypt struggles to recover tourism; investment in wake of political woes

Standard & Poor's downgraded Egypt's currency rating for the second time in four months based on the country's shorfall in foreign reserves and shaky political transition. It's the latest development for a nation facing mounting economic diffuclties. Egypt's foreign reserves fell by over 50 percent last year to about US$16...

Financial support continues for home energy efficiency upgrades

FortisBC customers planning to complete energy upgrades to their home are encouraged to take advantage of continued rebates and incentives available through the LiveSmart BC Efficiency Incentive program and from FortisBC directly. “We encourage customers to continue to take steps to improve the energy efficiency of their homes...

IntegrityBC releases BC Conservative leader's video answers to Facebook questions

(Victoria, 9 February 2012) – IntegrityBC today released eight videos of B.C. Conservative party leader John Cummins responding to questions posed to him by British Columbians on the organization's Facebook page. Cummins responds to a variety of issues ranging from fears over a Conservative/Liberal vote split to the HST to ...

Approval of Jasper development ignores public outcry

Banff, Alberta– Over the objections of almost 200,000 citizens, the federal government has approved the proposed “Brewster Glacier Discovery Walk” in Jasper National Park. Conservation organizations fear that the beauty and integrity of Jasper National Park are being surrendered to commercial interests, opening the door for...

COMMENT: Open government isn't about selling access at BC Liberal “power lunches”

IntegrityBC chastised the BC Liberals today for leaving the impression that they're selling access to Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Labour Citizens' Services and Open Government, through her presence at a $50 a plate Liberal fundraising lunch tomorrow in Surrey. “There's something incredibly oxymoronic about the minister...

Trail Gymnastics gets a new floor, courtesy of Columbia Power

Columbia Power provided $1000 to the Trail Gymnastics Club to help the club restore their flooring with foam and carpet purchased from the Canadian Gymnastics Western Championship event last year. The club is an active organization with an enrollment of nearly 250 students ranking 12th out of 87 clubs in the province. The...

No engineers required: Scalding hot showers in the arena get an inexpensive fix

Ever since renovations to the arena's washrooms were completed in late 2010, users have complained bitterly about fickle showers that would be frigidly cold one moment and scalding hot the next, keeping athletes on their toes as they tried to clean up after skating, hockey, or roller derby.The Telegraph met with public works...

PERU: Following the great water march

It has been 7 days since the Great Water March set off, on February 1, 2012, from the heights of Celendín, Cajamarca, Peru, where the lakes threatened by the Conga [es] mining project are located. The march has unfolded practically without incidents, and is currently halfway to Lima, its final destination. Meanwhile,...

Old Age Security review a crisis of misinformation

Stephen Harper dropped a bombshell in Switzerland recently, and the repercussions are being felt across Canada. In his keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Harper said that Canada needs to find savings in the Old Age Security benefit because our aging population is growing more expensive to service. "Our...

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