

Council ponders Visitor Centre options

The visitor centre issue piqued council's interest, particularly as the museum committee continues to deliberate how to revitalize the future of the museum and the associated visitor centre. Coun. Kathy Moore said the "skewed" data from just picking up museum traffic in the summer was "a real problem." "It would really help...

Skatepark rolls up to final design

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Robin Strachan of the RSA has just informed us that, in deference to the RSS meeting on Tuesday night, the skatepark design review meeting will be postponed. A new date and time has not yet been set. Strachan wrote, "We feel it is more important folks are able to attend [the RSS] meeting. We will provide an ...

Fight the bite! Take precautions to avoid West Nile virus

Interior Health is reminding residents to take extra precautions against mosquito bites this summer.  West Nile virus, a disease that is spread from infected birds to humans through mosquito bites, has been present in B.C. since 2009. West Nile virus (WNv) was first detected in B.C. in the South Okanagan during the summer of...

Politicians are a shadow. What casts the shadow?

I have been writing about politics lately.  Now I will turn my attentions to a wider subject, minds and consciousness. It is a great virtue of history that—through its study--people can be cured of thinking they are undergoing something unique, when in historical fact something very similar has happened before. Harper is in...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Next week very much like...this week

This week will be very similar to last week.  Trench opening for sewer and storm pipes will take place between Washington and Spokane, and the Washington/Columbia intersection will remain closed to vehicular traffic, but will be open for pedestrian traffic as construction allows.  The new parking lot behind the Post Office ...

Is a mortgage free retirement on your horizon?

By: Steve Huebl & Rob McLister, Canada Mortgage Trends With debt levels up and savings rates down, more people are lugging a mortgage into retirement. But not everyone. According to a recent CIBC/Harris-Decima survey, mortgage freedom comes earlier than expected for some. Of those polled who successfully paid off their ...

Who's laughing now? Michael passes the JHC torch as Janet and Terry skip town

The Joe Hill Coffeehouse lives and breathes under new leadership this Sunday. The venerable audio master Chuck Cram and the masterful music venerator Michael Gifford can finally take a seat in the audience.The musical heart of Rossland also throbs a little harder at word that Janet and Terry Marshall have found a lovely house...

COMMENT: Free speech, slander, and small town drama

I will agree completely with anyone who claims the issues we untangle below are petty, but we at the Telegraph feel obliged to defend ourselves against a number of unsubstantiated attacks leveled against our news coverage and editorials—specifically mine—by certain members of council who dislike what we’ve written.Two weeks...

Journalistic ethics, the BC Press Council, and the mayor's attack on the Rossland Telegraph

In light of the Mayor Greg Granstrom's vehement public letter—attached below—charging me and the Telegraph with "defamatory" comments, I contacted Rollie Rose, executive director of the BC Press Council, for comments he might offer on the matter.Rose said he had received the city's complaint and had written a response—also ...

US: Grieving father struggles to pay dead son’s student loans

By Marian Wang in ProPublica. A few months after he buried his son, Francisco Reynoso began getting notices in the mail. Then the debt collectors came calling. "They would say, 'We don't care what happened with your son, you have to pay us,'" recalled Reynoso, a gardener from Palmdale, Calif. Reynoso's son, Freddy, had been...

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