

MP Alex Atamanenko slams the Conservative corporate agenda at Rossland potluck, encourages action

After a potluck dinner at Andy Morel's house in Rossland on Tuesday—and after the diners had each expressed their concerns about the current Conservative leadership in Ottawa and Canada's lurch to the right—MP Alex Atamanenko offered some of his observations and experiences. "Thanks for all the food!" Atamanenko began, before...

More room for roots makes for happier, healthier Columbia Ave. trees

Big stacks of large black lego—or so it looked—were installed last week along the south side of Columbia. The multifunctional blocks are "Stratacells" as assistant city planner Stacey Lightbourne explained. "I'm not the expert," she began, deferring to ISL engineers and landscape architects for the details, "but it's a fairly...

Memorial held for Ron and Jackie Legare

Memorial for Ron and Jackie Legare said goodbye to a well loved, generous couple at their memorial service onThursday. Ron and Jackie Legare, who drowned in a rafting trip on the Kettle River last Saturday, were honoured by friends and family Thursday, Aug. 2 at the Christina Lake Hall. Friends fondly remember the couple as...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Those things are called 'strata cells'!

It’s another busy week and the downtown streetscape will remain much the same for the next two weeks. Strata cells are being installed on the south side of Columbia Ave., starting at St. Paul. These strata cells contain the soil in which the trees will grow, as well as the tree irrigation piping, electrical conduit for...

Second body found in Cascade Gorge

A 71-year-old Christina Lake woman’s body was recovered by helicopter this morning from the Cascade Falls gorge after dying from injuries sustained when her raft was dragged over the falls by the current on Saturday afternoon. The woman’s body was trapped in an eddy just below the first steps of the falls along the Kettle...

Two missing after raft swept over falls

One person is dead and two more are missing after the raft they were floating in went over Cascade Falls near Christina Lake Saturday afternoon. There were four people in the raft on the Kettle River when they neared the falls and attempted to reach shore. A 16-year-old boy jumped from the raft and was able to swim to the...

MP Alex Atamanenko to attend a "potluck for democracy" in Rossland on Tuesday

Do you feel Canadians are being led down the proverbial garden path by our federal government? Do you wish there were some way you could have more influence on Ottawa's decisions? And what's all this about moving our riding boundaries? Rossland politicos, mark down July 31, 6 p.m., for a "food for thought" potluck with our ...

Celebrating the West Kootenay Spirit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The quadrennial Spirit of Innovation Awards are on again and KAST—the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology, the award organizers—want nominations for individuals, organizations, and businesses whose hard work exemplifies West Kootenay innovation and entrepreneurship.“The innovation, intellectual capital, and...

"Complacency is not an option"—Attainable Housing Committee presents findings that demand action

The times they are a-changing and housing in the Lower Columbia region needs to meet new demands on several levels, Attainable Housing Committee (AHC) chairperson Janet Morton told Rossland's council on July 16. Last year the AHC—a committee of the LCCDT (Lower Columbia Community Development Team)—hired consultant Matt Thomson...

Provincial Government misses the mark: BC First Nations’ traditional territories and pristine environment not for sale

The leadership of the First Nations Summit is concerned with the approach laid out yesterday by BC on heavy oil pipelines in British Columbia. “Yesterday’s announcement clearly shows the Provincial Government is on the wrong track and does not fully understand the level of opposition or the reasons for opposition to both the...

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