

Semi-finalists Announced for the 2012 Spirit of Innovation Awards!

The West Kootenay-Boundary region is full of innovative entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations who have the passion to dream, the courage to pursue those dreams and the dogged determination and willingness to sacrifice what many would not to drive those dream into reality. Now is our chance to recognize and thank those...

GRAPHIC: Enemies of the Internet

If you think that identity theft is the worst-case-scenario of Internet use, you clearly don’t live in any of the nations that make the list of top “Enemies of the Internet.” Not only do these governments monitor their citizens’ web activity, but they also make it nearly impossible for them to safely share and gather information...

Deadline still looming for Marshall Lake dam

With rumours growing about a deadline for Marshall Lake’s ultimate demise activists, politicians and land owners continue to meet with key provincial staff to save the lake. Greenwood resident Christopher Stevenson, one of the key people leading the charge to protect the small lake which lies between Grand Forks and Greenwood...

Council thanks outgoing CAO Victor Kumar for his service to Rossland

CAO Victor Kumar officially passes the torch to incoming CAO/CFO Cecile Arnott on Monday, Oct. 1—although he remains employed until the end of the year—and some council members took the opportunity at Kumar's final regular council meeting on Sept. 17 to offer their thanks. Members of council and Rossland city staff joined...

Rossland to host electric car charging station? We're applying for a grant...

Rossland has applied for a grant to cover up to 75 per cent of the cost of two "Level 2" electric car charging stations as part of a provincial initiative to increase the reach of electric vehicles across the province.The move was recommended to council by the Sustainability Commission (SC) at the SC's July 18 meeting, and ...

What will Columbia-Washington cost taxpayers? Still no answers for Coun. Moore

Coun. Kathy Moore has asked since July for an update on the estimated cost to Rossland taxpayers for the downtown renovation, but neither those estimates nor an explanation of how the expenses will be financed were provided at the Sept. 17 regular council meeting.Assuming short term borrowing and using confidential cost reports...

Castlegar man faces jail time after repeat offences

A local man is facing several months in jail after two thefts and a breach of Probation conviction in court this week, according to Castlegar RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew.   "Thirty-four-year-old Trevor Isenor was sentenced to three months in jail for a theft from Total Pet on Sept. 20, and three months jail for a theft from Safeway...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Can't fault that asphalt!

This week is the week of the first layer of asphalt on Columbia Ave! Finally, we are heading towards having smooth hard surfaces to walk and drive on again; smoother than ever before, in fact. The second lift of asphalt will be next week. We can expect to see street lights and bus stops going in after paving sometime, so...

When a vision becomes a reality

Personally, I believe this system is a good thing, especially for grade 12s. In a year we will be adults and will be forced to take our lives into our own hands and motivate ourselves, because nobody else will care. With the old system, we would be completely unprepared for life outside of high school, relying on teachers and...

Fortis employees set to strike

FortisBC received 72-hour notice from the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (COPE) Local 378 today. FortisBC will be applying to the BC Labour Relations Board to have some electricity work functions designated as essential. No job action can take place until an approved essential services order is in place. The...

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