

COMMENT: Digital democracy and the spark of a revolution in Rossland

How can the public give their input into the budget, as Coun. Fisher suggested, while avoiding the potential for "chaos" that Coun. Spearn feared? I have a suggestion for council: swing a deal with ThoughtStream for a software license for the city, and hire one of their facilitators.   Right now, the idea of "engaging" the ...

COMMENT: Blind mercy

Just out of Jericho, Bartimaeus sits by the road. Hearing Jesus and the crowd he cries, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. ”Many in the crowd tell him to shut up, but he raises his voice and Jesus, standing still, says: “Call him here.” Changing their tone, the voices in the crowd tell Bartimaeus to “Take heart; get up,...

ANALYSIS: Do you know what you're paying for? PART THREE—Running the city

This is the final article in a series to address Coun. Cary Fisher’s surprise at a lack of awareness about the budget among Rossland residents. Part One examined the General Fund in broad strokes. The actual “general” revenue of the city in 2011 was $6.4 million, to which taxation contributed 57 per cent, residential taxes ...

ANALYSIS: Do you know what you're paying for? PART TWO—Community organizations and recreation

In response to Coun. Cary Fisher’s "shock" at a lack of budgetary awareness among city residents, here we tackle the portion of the budget that deals specifically with city funding for community organizations and facilities, parks, and recreation. In Part One we examined the broad strokes of Rossland's major revenue streams,...

ANALYSIS: Do you know what you're paying for? PART ONE—Putting the budget into perspective

Coun. Cary Fisher has taken Rossland's budget to task, recently asking residents, "Do you know what you're paying for?” Fisher expressed dismay that many residents didn't know where their taxes go. He pointed to the media to sound the alarm and called for the public to identify budget cuts before the annual budget cycle gets...

Living large in Mayberry or tightening belts for 21st Century recessions? Which way forward for the Mountain Kingdom?

Budget season is coming up fast and Coun. Cary Fisher, a self-described "numbers guy," has sounded the alarm: "Do you know what you're paying for?"Fisher came to council with an emphasis on trimming fat from the budget, but last year he felt that council didn't get a solid chance to make spending cuts because councillors were...

Selkirk College performs well at KAST Spirit of Innovation Awards

Four finalists from Selkirk College went up against some of the region’s most innovative businesses at the recent Kootenay Association of Science and Technology (KAST) Spirit of Innovation Awards and one took home the Innovative Organization award at the end of the evening. Held only every four years, the KAST Spirit of...

Phoenix Foundation spreading a little hope next week

Hope moves us forward when times are tough and helps us flourish while coping with obstacles life puts in our path. The Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities is celebrating 15 years of supporting community organizations in the region to achieve their dreams for local projects that help local people and foster hope....

Regional businesses shine at 2012 KAST Sprit of Innovation Awards

The West Kootenay-Boundary’s leading innovative businesses, entrepreneurs and organizations were celebrated on stage in Nelson, and across the province this past week as the winners of the 2012 Spirit of Innovation Awards were announced. Long known for its geographical beauty, often overlooked is the region’s vast and diverse...

UPGRADE UPDATE: One week to go!

This is week 25 of the 26 week construction schedule!  All the terra cotta coloured paving tiles have been laid, and the grey pavers near the cenotaph, Father Pat Memorial and Harry Lefevre Square will be completed by Friday. The stage in Harry Lefevre Square should be finished by week’s end. All plantings will also be complete...

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