

From the RCMP strange-but-true files: bizarre incident with local driver

The Castlegar Health Centre apparently saw a patient without patience, according to Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson. “We got a call just before 10 a.m. yesterday (Monday) that a driver on Hwy 22 en route to Trail was driving at a high rate of speed and was unable to maintain their lane,” Johnson said. “Also, the back door ...

Writers Take Note -- Essay Contest: $10,000 Prize

Friends of  Canadian Broadcasting announcement:  The Dalton Camp Award will go to the winner or winners of an essay competition on the link between democracy and the media in Canada. For thirteen years now, FRIENDS has sponsored the Dalton Camp Award, an essay competition honouring the memory of a great Canadian journalist ...

OP/ED: Protect water sources from free ranging cattle

Newsletter... I am sharing a few pictures that represent a typical water/grassland scene on the Gipin Grasslands. The pictures showcase the largest tributary to Morrissey Creek before the creek drops into a canyon and an adjacent meadow that was the site of a recent forest thinning burn. Morrissey Creek watershed is one of ...

Grant applications being accepted by BC Arts Council

Applications are now being accepted for several project assistance programs offered by the BC Arts Council. Some of the categories include: Visual artists/crafts individual arts awards to assist professional visual artists, contemporary and traditional craft artists and independent critics and curators with the creation of ...

B.C.’s parks draw record number of visitors

If you got shutout on your favourite Provincial Park Camping spot you were not alone. From US to Germany, to Switzerland, Denmark and Australia, visitors love BC Parks. British Columbia’s world-renowned provincial park system continues to attract global attention, with visitors from outside B.C. making up more than one-quarter...

Blueberry Creek Community School Society buys land/school for $1

It’s been a long time coming, but the Blueberry Creek Community School Society now owns its facility and the property on which it stands, having purchased both from School District 20 (SD 20) for one dollar. While that may sound like a poor deal for SD 20, it’s actually good news for virtually everyone involved, according to...

Trick-or-treating to protest starving students

Frustrated about student poverty, Selkirk College students are planning a food drive on Halloween night. Students will be going door-to-door in traditional trick-or-treat fashion asking area residents to provide non-perishable food items for the campus food bank. “With little action being taken by the provincial government ...

Former Israeli Airforce Helicopter Pilot Speaks at Mir Lecture Series Event

Former Israeli Defence Force (IDF) helicopter pilot Yonatan Shapira’s outlook on the violent struggle in the Gaza Strip and West Bank changed dramatically 12 years ago and for more than a decade he has been traveling the world in an effort to bring change through non-violent means. Shapira will bring his insight on the Israeli...

Searchers find body of hiker in Whistler/Pemberton area

A hiker has been found dead in the Whistler/Pemberton area, according to RCMP Staff Sgt. Steve LeClair. “On Oct. 24 at 8:34 p.m., Whistler Pemberton RCMP were advised of an overdue hiker who had intended to hike in the Cerise Creek area and stay at the Keith Flavelle Hut north of Pemberton,” LeClair said. “Police attended to...

Locals thrilled at news Canada Post is putting brakes on Community Mailbox Program

President of Canada Post Workers Union (CUPW) Local 790 Brenda Muscoby-Yanke was elated with a news release Monday that Canada Post has temporarily suspended future deployment of the program to convert door-to-door mail delivery to community mailboxes. “We think this is great news for all Canadians let alone the Nelson workers...

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