Selkirk College Cements Strategic Roadmap for Future
A commitment to empowering confident and imaginative learners through quality post-secondary in the West Kootenay and Boundary region is cemented in a new document released by Selkirk College. Building Remarkable Futures: Strategic Plan 2019-2024is the culmination of community consultation, employee engagement, student input...
RBC Foundation Donates $50,000 To Take a Hike
The RBC Foundation has donated $50,000 to the Take a Hike Foundation through RBC Future Launch. Dale Verdon, Manager at the Nelson RBC Branch met with the West Kootenay Take a Hike class to present the $50,000 cheque that will help one hundred vulnerable youth graduate high school and support Take a Hike’s expansion to Vancouver...
Seven Summits Centre for Learning Open House
Open House at Seven Summits Centre for Learning to show young people in the Kootenays that they really can have it all: Pursuing what they love while they learn in and outside the classroom The team at Rossland’s Seven Summits Centre for Learning (7S) is planning to fling the doors of its iconic red roofed heritage...
First Kootenay Massage Therapy Graduates Celebrate
Kootenay Columbia College of Integrative Health Sciences in Nelson will celebrate the graduation of its first class of the Registered Massage Therapy Program on May 26 at 2pm at the Nelson Commons. The ceremony is a private ceremony for the RMT graduates as well as for graduates from the school’s Traditional Chinese Medicine...
One River: Ethics Matter Conference, May 30 - 31
Advancing environmental justice and stewardship in the Columbia River Basin is the focus of a conference in late-May that will bring together those interested in pushing for a brighter future on both sides of the Canada-United States border. Selkirk College and the Community Colleges of Spokane are hosting the One River:...
Editorial: Burning Issues
“Everything will burn, baby, burn . . .”– if we don’t take a bit of time and effort to make it as fire-resistant as possible. These words from the 2001 song by Ash can remind us about the increasing risk of wildfire consuming forests, and overwhelming communities full of homes and businesses. Local wildfire expert Don Mortimer...
It's time to go after invasive weeds.
Some ask, “What’s so bad about those so-called invasive species? Some of them are so pretty!” Yes, they’re pretty. One example is Himalayan Balsam, also known as “Policeman’s Helmet.” It has beautiful flowers. And it grows SO easily! The trouble with it is . . . it grows...
Recognize a Deserving Educator: Nominations open for 2019 Environmental Education Awards of Excellence
Do you know an educator in the Columbia Basin who encourages environmental stewardship and sustainability? The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) has opened nominations for the 2019 Environmental Education Awards of Excellence. This year, award categories include Indigenous Educator, Climate Change Educator, Community Educator, Early Childhood Educator, Primary Teacher (K-3), Intermediate Teacher (4-7), Secondary […]
Selkirk College Valedictorians Set for Class of 2019 Send-Off
The post-secondary journey is about changing lives through education and at the end of April, those on the cusp of a bright future will gather on the Castlegar Campus to celebrate Selkirk College Convocation 2019. The annual ceremony takes place on April 30 where almost 1,000 students will be eligible to graduate from a variety...
Interesting Stuff Going on Around Rossland: Birds, Easter Egg Fun, Jobs …
Besides being our Member of Parliament, Richard Cannings is a biologist and a birder – and he’ll be talking about birds at the Museum on April 17th, at 6:30. Here’s what the notice from the good people at the Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre says: Join us to hear Richard Cannings, our South Okanagan-West Kootenay MP,...