

COLUMN: Our firestorms

For the past month, we have seen a series of wildfires race through the British Columbia interior, destroying homes, disrupting lives and damaging businesses.  The BC government has already spent over $150 million fighting the fires and has provided over $100 million in relief to those who have been forced from their homes....

Pacific NorthWest LNG is dead: five things you need to know.

This article is by Emma Gilchrist and is from DeSmog Canada. Malaysia’s Petronas has cancelled plans to build the Pacific NorthWest LNG plant on Lelu Island near Prince Rupert, B.C., in a move seen as a major setback for B.C.'s LNG dreams and as a major win for those concerned about climate change and salmon habitat. The...

Editorial: On being accused of smiling because the NDP are (sort of) in power

An acquaintance recently said to me, "I guess you're smiling because the NDP are forming the government now."  Actually, I was smiling about something completely non-political.  Besides, I tend to be a bit agnostic about party politics; are political parties really necessary?  She went on to say that in her recollection, "when...

Inaugural Road Cycling Event a Success

Seventeen riders took part in the inaugural Rossland Century road cycling event on Saturday, July 15, organized by Steve Langley. It was a trial run, and Langley was surprised that so many riders turned out for it. He says he wanted it to be "a very special challenge that would attract riders from outside the area, who want...

Maybe a Rossland Triathlon; Littering's a No-No; FireSmart, Fireworks and Fire Hazard

Rossland City Council:  Public Hearing and Regular Meeting, July 17, 2017 Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors  Lloyd McLellan, Andy Morel, John Greene, Aaron Cosbey and Andrew Zwicker.  Absent:  Marten Kruysse. Public Hearing:  Reducing the number of units designated to be built on Lot A at the Red Mountain base area....

COLUMN: Plastic straws suck

Of all the plastic products we use and take for granted, plastic drinking straws are among the most unnecessary. Designed to be used once and discarded, their only real purpose is to keep your mouth from touching a glass or ice. It made more sense in the days when contaminated vessels were more of an issue. Now, there’s a...

Opinion: Suggestions for Fair Elections

Houston, we have a consensus. Well, almost. All three parties in the B.C. legislature now support a ban on corporate and union donations, as well as setting a cap on personal contributions. It's that last one that gets tricky. What's the right cap? Perhaps B.C.'s new government should rip a page out of Alberta's NDP playbook....

Column: Mayors should speak up; Trudeau's concessions in Canada-EU deal will hit cities hardest

The trouble with demonizing the leader of an unpopular government is that it gives the next leader way too much slack. I remember writing a column years ago comparing the hated Brian Mulroney with Paul Martin (who more or less ran Jean Chretien's government). Who was more destructive to the public interest and progressive...

FireSmart Workshop for Black Bear Residents.

Would Rossland become a mini-Fort McMurray in the event of a nearby wildfire? Or could FireSmart measures provide protection? How much? Don Mortimer, Rossland resident and consultant with FireSmart Canada, thinks preventive measures can provide significant protection.     Residents in Rossland's Black Bear neighbourhood are...

COLUMN: Face to face meetings and international trade disputes

Last Monday I travelled to Washington, DC with Tracey Ramsey, the NDP critic for International Trade.  I was there in my role as NDP critic for Natural Resources, and we were both there to talk about softwood lumber with senators, congressmen and their staff. We had a full day of meetings on Tuesday, going from office to...

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