

Female-only ski film showing in Rossland

Ski fiends can see the first female-only ski film on November 26 at the Rossland Legion, starting at 7:00 pm. Prepare to see male-dominance stereotyping in the ski world shredded. For guys who are into pretty faces, there are a lot of those, too.    In fact, the film is called  "Pretty Faces," and a review of the film published...

Reel Youth Film Festival: PG-13

The Rossland Council for Arts and Culture is proud to once again present the annual Reel Youth Film Festival. The screening begins at 2:00 pm on Saturday, November 18th at the Miners Hall. The Reel Youth Film Festival pulls together an insightful, diverse, compelling and humorous collection of short films from across the globe...

Matching funding for the new YAN space: seeking donations!

'15 in 15' You Can Make the Difference The new Youth Action Network (YAN) Space will be a community hub that provides a safe place for youth to connect, to learn new skills and to participate in positive experiences.  The support we have received from businesses, trades people and individuals who want to help has been inspiring!...

Award-winning author reading at Rossland Public Library, November 14

Diana  Morita Cole, the author of "Sideways:  Memoir of a Misfit" was awarded the 2017 Richard Carver Award for Emerging Writers.  Morita Cole's book details many little-known aspects of the Nikkei internment in both Canada and the United States during the Second World War. Most of us are aware that, during the war, BC's...

Canada, Immigration and Multi-Culturalism: Part One (of Two)

“The West is the best. /  Get here, and we’ll do the rest.”                                                 -- Jim Morrison, the Doors, Blue Bus In the beginning, two words I do not often fare into the waters of moral judgements, but in this column I do. My morals and ethics, or “values” as the modern vocabulary seems to...

Live Improv Comedy: “Shakespeare After Dark” at the Miners Hall, November 17th

The Rossland Council for Arts and Culture is proud to announce our next performance, “Shakespeare After Dark”, which will be taking place at the Miners Hall on Friday November 17th. The RCAC is once again bringing live comedy to Rossland, this time it’s a fresh blend of classic Shakespeare, drunken shenanigans and the art of...

Booty's Cabin draws a crowd for Canada 150

The forest air was crisp and intoxicatingly pure (except for the cloud of sausage-scented smoke rising from the barbeque) as outdoorsy people from local communities gathered around the new Booty's Cabin to  celebrate it, and the Rossland Range Recreation Site ― that made it (and the other day-use shelters) legally ...

COLUMN: Arc of the Cognizant ― Self, History, Meaning, and Where Humanity Goes From Here

“I cheat and I lie, I do what I have to do, to get by — But I know what is wrong and I know what is right — And I die for the truth, in my secret life.” -- Leonard Cohen, In my secret life Interiority and Spirituality The one place we all hold most private, most wholly belonging to our selves, is the inside of our minds, our...

CANADA 150 CELEBRATIONS on October 15 at the Miners Hall and Strawberry Pass

Canada 150.  People have various opinions about celebrating this date, depending on their views about exploration, colonialism and the treatment of First Nations by the invaders.  Regardless of one's views, it's a significant date, and an excuse to party.  Rosslanders will have a number of celebrations...

A big THANK YOU from the Golden City Days Committee

The Golden City Days 2017 Committee is extremely grateful to the following sponsors and donors for their generous support and contributions: City of...

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