

COLUMN: Consumer society no longer serves our needs

My parents were born in Vancouver — Dad in 1909, Mom in 1911 — and married during the Great Depression. It was a difficult time that shaped their values and outlook, which they drummed into my sisters and me. “Save some for tomorrow,” they often scolded. “Share; don’t be greedy.” “Help others when they need it because one day...

Winter Carnival is coming; big changes for bobsled

By Tara Kowalchuk, Rossland Winter Carnival President Everyone’s favourite high speed, high adrenalin Winter Carnival event is back, with a few updates. The biggest change is that registration and inspection night, and the Bobsled Calcutta Auction will be held one week earlier on Thursday, January 18 at 7:00pm at the Legion....

Library Renewal plan close to reality -- at last!

Rossland’s public library provides exceptional service for its size. Aside from loaning out books and movies, making computers available for research and other work, and providing friendly assistance, our library offers after-school drop-in programs, hosts a book club on the last Thursday of each month, offers the popular...

Canada's Pink Floyd tribute band, PIGS, coming to Charles Bailey

PIGS are starting 2018 with the second leg of a 12 week, 45-date tour that started out at the end of September at the Port Theatre in Nanaimo and took the band across Canada as far as Sydney, Nova Scotia. The second leg of the 'LEFT + RIGHT Canada Tour' features dates in Saskatchewan, BC and Alberta and will take them to over...

Rossland Museum welcomes its first national traveling exhibit

The year 2017 marks some important anniversaries in Canadian history: Canada’s 150th birthday as a nation and the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge – a battle that historians describe as a defining moment in the development of Canada as an independent nation. 2019 is the 75th anniversary of the D-Day and Normandy...

Rossland Council for Arts and Culture: Membership drive!

The RCAC is excited to announce our brand new website and first ever Membership drive! We’re changing and inviting Rosslanders to play a huge part in their Arts Council! Most people know the RCAC for some things but the breadth and width of our operations and art installations is often a big surprise. From regular shows at ...

Opinion: Two words in sequence that should be banished from our lexicon: fake news

Risky to confess such things – especially publicly – but there are a few things that get under my skin fast. Eons ago, when I was in high school, it only took a single word. It wasn't the word itself so much, as it was the tone some used saying it that suggested you were getting flipped off more than you were communicating....

COLUMN: Elders, knowledge and a post-truth moment

“You and I have memories Longer than the road that stretches out ahead.”                                                                      -- The Beatles, Two of Us Age and its discontents I begin the column with a line from a Beatles’ song, because it describes the situation for someone of my age, and for my peers. We...

Fall Fair Coordinators stepping down after 30 years

On September 9th,  2017, the Rossland Arena was filled with colour and bustle:  a wide variety of vendors, information and educational booths and non-stop live entertainment.  Free face-painting delighted the children and the outdoor Petting Zoo and Fish pond attracted a large crowd.  The Rossland Mountain...

Part Two: Multiculturalism and Immigrant Blending (revised)

“First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. … I’m guided by a signal in the heavens, I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons.”                                   -- Leonard Cohen, First we take Manhattan Part Two In Part One, I outlined my views of Canadian history as it pertains to immigration and multiculturalism, and the...

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