

Rossland Refactory project: an update

Creating Products from Waste –Community Based Recycling The Rossland Refactory is a project of the Kootenay Outdoor and Environmental Learning Society whose mission is “to provide for a more environmentally sustainable future for residents of Rossland and the surrounding area by influencing the habits, policies ...

Book recommendations from a library board member

“Books of My Life”-- Q and A with Abigail Steel, Rossland Public Library Board Member: My favourite childhood book and favourite book to read aloud -- because I spent part of my early childhood in England, my much loved, favourite books are those by A. A. Milne, including The House at Pooh Corner. The “hundred acre wood”...

Op/Ed: On Identifying Gifted Children

By Jennifer Crane, in The Conversation                                 In Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit, we see young orphan Beth Harmon discover her talent for...

Local wisdom on books

“Books of My Life” Here’s more inspiration for reading to carry us through the dark days of this pandemic winter, away into other worlds and other times while tucked up safely at home. Q and A with Eileen Daniel, Rossland Public Library Board Member, Publicity: 1.   My favorite childhood books are...

Column: Must we choose sides?

The Duel “... I’m abandoned and destitute, an absolute simpleton, this mind of mine so muddled and blank. Others are bright, clear. I’m dark, murky. Others are competent and effective: I’m pensive and withdrawn.”    -- Tao Te Ching, 20  [David Hinton translation] “Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is ...

Rossland Public Library -- inspiration for readers

“Books of My Life” -- Q and A with Catherine Spence, Rossland Public Library Board vice-chair: 1. My favourite childhood book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It appealed to my imagination and I loved rooting for the hero and seeing the bad kids get what they deserved. Maybe I can blame this book for my...

Book Review: Connor Mackay's first novel is a blast

“Albatross – Contact” is a gripping science fiction novel of the warring-aliens variety.  It introduces a variety of well-developed characters, both human and alien, some of whom interact peacefully, and others whose attacks result in full-on, rip-roaring, seriously tech-enhanced battles.  The...

Entertainment: This movie is just what we need now

By Anna Augusto  Rodrigues, for  The Conversation If you missed the Netflix debut of Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, there are reasons to watch it now that go beyond being inspired to keep up fashionable appearances through a winter in COVID-19 lockdown or dreaming about travelling to beautiful Icelandic...

Music Lovers Rejoice -- a Carolyn Cameron Zoom concert

Carolyn Cameron's message says, "Ever wish that a La Cafamore concert would come straight to your home? Wish NO MORE! Carolyn Cameron and Nina Horvath will be playing a zoom concert on TUESDAY December 22, 2020 at 7 p.m. We will be playing popular Xmas carols for violin and piano. This is a fundraiser for our local...

Column: The Books of My Life

Q and A with Jacqueline Dawes, co-chair of the Rossland Public Library Board My favourite childhood book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. I loved the art and design of the pages. My favourite book from school is 1984 by George Orwell, which inspired an interest in dystopian fiction. Classics I haven’t read are ...

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