Who's laughing now? Michael passes the JHC torch as Janet and Terry skip town
The Joe Hill Coffeehouse lives and breathes under new leadership this Sunday. The venerable audio master Chuck Cram and the masterful music venerator Michael Gifford can finally take a seat in the audience.The musical heart of Rossland also throbs a little harder at word that Janet and Terry Marshall have found a lovely house...
OP/ED: Groom-ing your honey for a summertime surprise
‘Tis the season for weddings, and I have two friends getting ready to walk down the aisle this summer. It is so much fun….the preparing, the planning, and the decorating. But it is also so much work. The decision-making; the color-scheming; the guest list … On top of all that, you need to make all […]
Castlegar mayor joins Dooley in opposing pot legalization
A campaign to decriminalize marijuana in B.C. is putting local politicians on the spot – including Castlegar’s Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. A coalition of eight B.C. mayors, through Stop the Violence BC campaign, sent a letter in April urging provincial leaders to “support the regulation and taxation of marijuana”, citing public heath concerns and crime reduction […]
Chambers of commerce/businesses throw support behind Castlegar's WestJet bid
Four area chambers of commerce have offered regional airport representatives their endorsement in a bid to encourage WestJet to come to the Kootenays – meanwhile the Castlegar chamber is being flooded with letters of support from local businesses. Just last week, WestJet invited members of the West Kootenay Regional Airport Advisory Committee (including Castlegar Mayor […]
Professional musicians serenade Kootenay seniors
On June 14 and 15, musicians (and Rossland residents) Nicola Everton and Michael Gifford (pictured here, flanked by Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff and Columbia Power’s Audrey Repin) will play at Talarico Place in Castlegar and Columbia View Lodge in Trail as part of their tour of 10 communities in the coming week. This is part […]
Mount Sentinel grad Shawn Hook (Hlookoff) does his best to help rescue gutted music program at alma mater
Shawn Hlookoff, AKA, Shawn Hook, has come a long way since his trombone days in Rick Lingard’s band class at Mount Sentinel or his time on the volleyball or basketball courts inside the school gymnasium playing for one of the Wildcats varsity teams. Oh, and did we mention that Shawn Hook, let’s go with the […]
OP/ED: On small-town angst: The good, the bad and the shopping
All of the celebrations surrounding SunFest recently have me thinking about small-town dynamics. I am definitely a small-town girl through and through. I love the community support, the sense of safety, and being able to walk down the main drag and wave at a dozen people I know as they drive by. Don’t get me […]
BC Transit to unify services across RDCK and RDKB
The vision of a unified transit system covering both the Kootenay Boundary and Central Kootenay regions is a step closer to reality, according to Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Chernoff is also chair of the newly-formed West Kootenay Transit Committee, which had its first meeting Wednesday. “We met yesterday with BC Transit, and that’s when it […]
WestJet one step closer to Castlegar?
WestJet has asked representatives of the West Kootenay Regional Airport Advisory Committee to meet with airline staff later this month to discuss why WestJet should come to Castlegar (see also: http://castlegarsource.com/news/westjet-clarifies-invitation-19383). Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff, Nelson mayor John Dooley, city manager John Malcolm and former MP (and air traffic controller) Jim Gouk will be among the […]
Summer's here (though you wouldn't know it to look out the window) and the pool awaits...
The Summer Brochure went into the mailboxes last week. If you did not receive one, you can view the Brochure online, at www.rossland.ca. You can also pick up a hard copy at City Hall, in the Recreation Department. The last Folk Dancing class of the season takes place Wednesday, June 6 at the Miners Hall, from 7:00-9:30pm....