

From racing grocery carts to the longest ski descent ever, the biggest little film festival is back!

Get psyched. The annual pre-ski-season stoke-up that is the “Rossland Mountain Film Fest Proudly Supported By The Members Of Rossland's Community Branch Of The Nelson & District Credit Union” gears up for three days of mountain culture.  While the name has gotten exponentially longer this year thanks to a generous sponsorship...

INTERVIEW: Harry Manx - Mysticippi blues man comes to town

If you’ve ever wanted to hear soulful music based in the blues with Indian influences all throughout it, Harry Manx is your man. The long time musician and only more recently in the last decade or more a solo artist has been inspiring audiences with his deep storytelling lyrical content and worldly grooves. In a few weeks, ...

Praise For The White Star Lady

            Written By Brogan Pastro and Maddie Taylor-Greg White Star Lady from Rossland's Iron Mountain Theatre, written by Mark Pollard and Jane Gaudet, music by Nadine Tremblay and directed by R.J. Peters, came to Rossland's St. Andrews United Church on the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd.  Jane Gaudet's one-woman...

Ode to ole Olaus: Rossland soon to have an iconic structure all its own

If Rossland could pick one iconic person to represent the town who that would it be? If you could pick one scene to become the iconic image of Rossland on postcards, marketing material and people’s impressions going forward into the future what would it be? All great cities have one. San Francisco’s got the Golden Gate Bridge,...

Blacklisted bands and noise complaints - RMFF clears last minute hurdles

Just how late should parties be allowed to go at the Miners' Hall and how hard should bands in the venue be allowed to rock? The question arose this week and briefly put a hurdle in the way of the Rossland Mountain Film Festival, which has hired BC/DC to rock out at their Saturday night gala event.   Unbeknownst to the Film...

Rossland Reads round one

  Rossland Reads kicked off its reading and debating extravaganza this past Wednesday at Café Books West with a lively panel and near full house in attendance.  Taking a note from CBC’s popular Canada Reads program, Rossland Reads, organized by Carey Rudisil and the Rossland Library Board, has brought together three fine folks...

BUSINESS PROFILE: A new Perspective on tattooing

Housed in our Columbia Avenue landmark The Velvet Building, Perspective Tattoo is currently on the cusp of undergoing a cosmetic and structural makeover similar to that undertaken on The Velvet’s exterior; while Velveteen landlord Andy Talbot tinkers with the burgundy frontage, Perspective Tattoo’s resident artist and...

REVIEW: Paranormal Activity 2 abnormally un-scary

There is a scene in Paranormal Activity 2 which, I believe, represents the entire movie. It's a shot of the baby Hunter's bedroom with that very baby lying in his crib. As soon as I saw this I thought to myself, 'that poor baby is going to float in the air' and lo and behold a minute later that baby floated. How did I know?...

Waiting for Oz: RLOP Warms up with original dinner theatre show

  At the height of ski season, after an influx of skiers from far away swells the population of Rossland, February 2011 will see an influx of another kind: the short, high-pitched voice kind, the witchy kind, and the kind missing key major organs most of us could not survive without. I am not talking about anything Halloween-related...

Adult Gymnastics: Beating the Trail Resident Card program and getting in shape to boot

Every pre-season I make the same promise to myself: this year is going to be different. When the snow hits and the chairs start rounding the bull wheel, I’m going to be ready. My need for cardiovascular fitness, endurance, flexibility and strength training will be aligned via a realistic and attainable regime, the ultimate ...

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